Nap & Bedtime: Munchkin

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18 answers

Sleeping - Ferber Method

I need husband and I do not see eye to eye on this AT all! My son just turned 1 and does not go to sleep on his own very well. I find that rocking him to sleep works better and faster. My husband is on this CIO kick and we tried it tonight which I think is so cruel but he cried for almost 2 hours straight. We tried to soothe him at the intervals that the method says but that did not work. I am very frustrated with this whole situation. My MIL watches him during the day and she rocks him to sleep for his naps so, I don't see...

Night Light

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34 answers

Frequent Night Nursing

For the first twelve months of her life I lived under the delusion that my daughter would turn 1 and would automatically wean herself from breasfeeding. It turns out that she and I had different ideas. She is now 15 months old and is showing no signs of being ready to stop nursing. I am okay with continuing to breastfeed, but we have fallen into a very bad habit of night nursing. We are co-sleeping and she is waking up 2-5 times every night to nurse. I have not had a full night sleep in over a year now and it is really starting to take a...

Night Waking & Crying

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10 answers

Feeding Solid Foods

I am curious about people's experience in introducing solids to their baby. I have a seven month old who is not really interested in food. I have been trying to feed him since he has been 4 months old, quit for a while and am back trying again. He has been waking up for about 2 months to eat in the middle of the night, but doesn't open and close his mouth when we eat (a sign I was told to wait for). Dr thought maybe he has problems swallowing since we had to teach him to nurse and never did get the hang of breast feeding and is...

No Cry Sleep Solution

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23 answers

To Sleep Train or Suck It Up? That Is the Question...

I have 2 beautiful boys. One is 2.5 years old and didn't start sleeping through the night until he was about 20 months old. The other is 9 months old and I swore when he was born that I would have him sleeping soundly by now. Well we suddenly seem to be back to square one. It' like I have a new born again. He is up every three hours and I am dragging. I'm committed to getting him on the path of sleep before I turn into a zombie. Last night I let him cry for a few minutes and then I would go to him, snuggle him and put him back down. It was...

Sleep Lady Shuffle

13 answers

I Can't Discipline Myself to Discipline My Son

I have 3 major issues with my child right now, 2 of which I know for sure are my fault. 1. Bedtime 2. Eating 3. Potting Training I have allowed my son into my bed and now I can't get him out. We've done the crying thing and gotten him to put himself to sleep in his own bed, but everytime my husband goes TDY or we go on vacation I let my son in the bed and have to start all over again. We have done this so many times. Now he is almost 3. I don't want to keep putting him through this. I know the Nanny 911 thing about keep putting him...

White Noise or Sound Machine

See all 21 articles
18 answers

Does This Sound like Gallstones?

I have had this pain for about 2 or 3 years, and I put it down to indigestion, because it comes on after I eat stupid foods like a huge bag of potato chips or something. The pain is really severe, and lasts a couple of hours, and I can generally be found writhing on the floor and taking everything in my medicine cupboard to try and get rid of it. It struck me last night at 2 am, while pacing the house in extreme pain, that this may be something other than indigestion, as the pain starts below my breastbone, then gradually spreads under...