Illnesses & Symptoms: Preschooler

See all 6,901 articles
6 answers

3 Year Old Runny Nose & Preschool?

Both of my boys 17.5mths & 3 years old have had a chronic congestion since January. They both had croup at the end of January and it seems they have never 'fully' recovered. I am confused on whether I should take my 3 year old in for his, when he seems otherwise healthy and oblivious to the nasal congestion/runny nose. I'm only contemplating taking him in, because the last two times I've picked him up from preschool, I've gotten "He's nose was really runny again today". My son only goes to preschool one day a week, and I kept him out 2...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...

Aches & Pains

See all 10,303 articles
21 answers

4 Year Old I Don't Understand

My kids are usually pretty good but my 4 year old son has been a pain lately he cries and screams about everything you tell him. If you tell him to go to bed he cries. He whines all the time and if you try to talk to him he just screams louder until it gives you a headache. i don't know what to do with his fits and throwing himself on the floor. Help me please


See all 430 articles
12 answers

4 Year Old Son Having Behavior Problems

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me out with my 4 year old son. While picking him up from daycare last week, the teacher told me that he is having behavioral problems. I also found out that he has still been in the 3 yr old room. He is not listening at all, he does not seem to understand that there are consequences for his actions, either good or bad. She suggested that I atake him to the pediatrician, which I am doing this Wednesday. I am just scared the doctor will try to put him on medication, which I really don't want. They...


Acne in a 4 Year-old

My daughter has a painful red bump just below her nose. Her description of...


See all 18,970 articles
26 answers

Homeschooling a 3 Year Old

Any advice on starting a cuuriculum for my 3 year old. I'm a SAHM and our budget is slim, right now I can't afford to get him into half day preschool. The least expensive I've found is $95 a week. So I've been seriously thinking of homeschooling him. What advice, websites and curriculum can be beneficial and easy to teach. Thanks moms


ADHD In 3 Year Old

We have been observing our 3 year old for the last year and 1/2 for signs of...


Unruly 3 Year Old

I wrote a couple of weeks ago and i really need some advise. My 3 year old...

Adenoid & Tonsilitis

See all 113 articles
11 answers

Tubes, Adenoids and Tonsil Removal

I am having a dilemma over what to do with my 3 year old. We just went to the ENT doctor today who said we should have tubes put in because of my son's problem with continuous fluid in the ears. He said they would remove the adenoids at the time if they need removed. I am positive they will need removed because he has had trouble breathing, especially at night, for awhile now. He mentioned his tonsils as well, because they are very large (they touch, and are rated at 4 on a scale of 1 to 4). I am very nervous to have his tonsils...


Removal of Adenoids

My son is 3 and has had chronic ear infections and sleep apnea since Sept of...


See all 5,415 articles
37 answers

4 Year Old Behavior

I am wondering if any of you have experienced some of these characteristics with your 4 year old (I have a boy). He can't stand tags in his clothing, socks are too tight, pants are too tight (even though they are not.....), no long sleeve shirts (can't stand them!). Behaviors he has are: tantrums....screaming, yelling, and hitting the bedroom door...etc... when we are transitioning him from one thing to the next...and he is not happy about the next event. We also are hearing from others that he is bugging other kids who are next to him...


ADHD In 3 Year Old

We have been observing our 3 year old for the last year and 1/2 for signs of...


See all 2,277 articles
9 answers

My 4 Year Old Is Suddenly Refering to Himself by Name.

My 4 year old son is suddenly referring to himself by name. "Vance wants a cup of milk" , "Vance wants to go outside", Vance wants to play a computer game", Vance this and Vance that. I have repeatedly corrected him, but he continues to do it. Is this normal behavior for his age, a stage he is going through? I don't remember my 9 year old ever going this, but he was behind in speech when he started school and did not hardly talk at all. No one would dare say my 4 year old or my 2 year old were behind in speech. I could use some ear...

Autism Spectrum

See all 3,074 articles
37 answers

4 Year Old Behavior

I am wondering if any of you have experienced some of these characteristics with your 4 year old (I have a boy). He can't stand tags in his clothing, socks are too tight, pants are too tight (even though they are not.....), no long sleeve shirts (can't stand them!). Behaviors he has are: tantrums....screaming, yelling, and hitting the bedroom door...etc... when we are transitioning him from one thing to the next...and he is not happy about the next event. We also are hearing from others that he is bugging other kids who are next to him...


ADHD In 3 Year Old

We have been observing our 3 year old for the last year and 1/2 for signs of...

Bed Wetting & Night Accidents

See all 1,311 articles
10 answers

4 Year Old Wetting Bed at Night

Recently my 4 year old has had a problem wetting the bed during the night. I stop all fluids a couple of hours before he goes to bed (last drink is with dinner). I even make sure he wakes up around midnight and take him to the bathroom. He is in such a deep sleep I don't even think he realizes he is going but he does. When he wakes up in the morning he is soaking wet. Most of the time he doesn't even realize that he has wet the bed. Sometimes he wakes up and changes his clothes and tell me he wets the bed. I think that he is in such...


See all 461 articles
13 answers

Help Soothe Infant Bronchitis

My son was discharged from the hospital today with acute bronchitis. He is 18 months and is having a hard time breathing. He is also refusing to eat anything. Any suggestions on how I can help him get comfortable and return to eating?


Bronchitis or Asthma

My daughter has had a dry hacking cough that affects her mostly at night for...


See all 2,117 articles
39 answers

My 3 Year Old Will Not Eat

My 3 year old has not had a fruit or vegetable since he came off baby food 2 years ago and for the past month he does not have BM (lack of fiber)unless he takes a oral laxative. I do not know what to do? The doctor says to give him mineral oil but he will not take that! Anyone have any ideas on this?

Cerebral Palsy

See all 156 articles
7 answers

Advice on 4 Yr Old Son W/ Cerebral Palsy

My 4yr old son has cerebral palsy. he was born w/a bleed in his brain. He is unable to use his left hand and he also has partial paralyse on his left leg. He is in a "normal" preschool, he is starting to notice his disability and I feel like it is making him insecure. Does anyone have a child like this or some suggestions on how to boost his confidence? Thanks, I lose so much sleep over this, I sometimes just don't know what to do.

Chicken Pox

See all 423 articles
10 answers

Could This Be Chicken Pox?

my son has red bumps on his body.. abotu 20 spots... arms legs torso.. a couple here a couple there. it is 40 degrees outside.. not a mosquito to be seen. my hub said bedbugs.. but I see no evidence of bedbugs... He is acting totally fine.. no fever.. no lethargy.. running around all day. he is not vaccintaed for chicken pox. i have not heard of any cases of pox at their school.. (and the school is good about sending notes home for illnesses.) the only reason I think chicken pox. is this is the time of year for pox.. i...


Is It Chicken Pox???

Help, My son has a rash all over his chest, tummy and sides. They started...


Chicken Pox or Is It?

I am wondering if anyone has had this happen to their children that have had...

Cholesterol & Blood Pressure

See all 802 articles
8 answers

Blood Pressure Issue During Pregnancy

Okay, Mamas, have any of you had this experience? A few times now, I've been having a normal day, and my blood pressure has suddenly dropped too LOW! I get all lethargic and sweaty and feel horrible, and this morning I almost passed out. My OB/GYN has told me to keep hydrated and eat lots of salt. Well, I'm drinking fluids like crazy, and I'm now swelling up with so much salt, lol, and it's still happening. It happens at random times, so it's not when I'm getting up in the morning or standing up from sitting or anything like that. I...

Cold & Flu

See all 10,767 articles
11 answers

Pre-schooler with Constant Runny Nose

My 3.5 year old son started pre-school this fall and has a constant runny nose. Is there anything I should be concerned about or is it just a part of being around 17 other kids? This is his first time with lots of other kids on a consistent basis.


Baby and Runny Nose

My 6mos old latley has a runny nose I think that she has some algerys but...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...


See all 2,144 articles
34 answers

My 3 Year Old Is Constipated

Hi there, I have a problem that I need help with. I have a 3 year old girl who has been potty trained, but is having trouble going potty for #2. She states that she holds it in because it hurts. I give her prune juice every morning and also she loves to eat dried prunes, but is doesn't seem to help her, she is constatnly afraid that it will hurt. I have explained to her that she needs to let it out, but no success yet. Does anybody have any suggestions? I would truly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Cough & Cold

See all 1,701 articles
34 answers

What Do I Do for My 3 Year Old's Stuffy Nose???

Hi. Anyone else out there try to buy cold medicine this season for your toddler and finding that evertyhing has been taken off the market for cold medicine for kids under 6? I remember this happening this past year but forgot about it and my little girl has been battling a stuffy nose and cough that has been keeping her up at night so I thought I'd run out to the drugstore for some help and realized there are no medicines for this age group anymore. Does anyone still use this cold medicine and adjust the dosage? I heard that is why they...


Always Stuffy Nose

My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been having this stuffy nose problem for past...



See all 1,131 articles
12 answers

3 Year Old Craving Sugar? Diabetes?

I have a 3 year old who for the last couple days has started having accidents after being dry for almost 6 months. Also, he has been craving sugar like crazy! He throws a fit most days when we won't give him soda, chocolate milk, tea, etc. I've called his doctor and he has an appointment on Friday, but I'm wondering if any one has a child with diabetes and what the symptoms were. (His dad and paternal grandmother are type 2 diabetic so it does run in the family.)


4 Year Old & ADHD

My son is now 4 1/2 years old and has always been a very well-behaved little...


Diabetes in Children

Does any one have a child with Diabetes. I am looking for what signs and...


See all 1,035 articles
34 answers

My 3 Year Old Is Constipated

Hi there, I have a problem that I need help with. I have a 3 year old girl who has been potty trained, but is having trouble going potty for #2. She states that she holds it in because it hurts. I give her prune juice every morning and also she loves to eat dried prunes, but is doesn't seem to help her, she is constatnly afraid that it will hurt. I have explained to her that she needs to let it out, but no success yet. Does anybody have any suggestions? I would truly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


Diarrhea - What to Do

Hi- My daughter is 10 months old and has diarrhea ever since we were at the...


See all 442 articles
14 answers

3 Year Old Doesn't like Preschool

Sorry if this is long... My son, born June 24, 2008 has been going to a lovely Catholic preschool, the school is pre-k-8th grade. The atmosphere at the school is warm and nurturing as well as having good academics. We also chose the school because we agreed to raise our children Catholic, even though I am not Catholic. We thought it would be easiest for everyone to have his religious education given right along with his regular schooling so it wouldn't have to be another activity to be scheduled in a hectic overscheduled world. The...


Is This Dyslexia?

Hi friends, to make this kinda quick, my 5th grader asked me the other day...

Ear Ache

See all 168 articles
12 answers

4 Year-old Ear Infection

Hi - My 4 year-old has a cold. He had 103 temp and dry cough yesterday, and just a low-grade fever today along with typical cold symptoms. He's been his usual self otherwise. Same energy level, appetite, and healthy bathroom breaks :) He awoke at midnight tonight of ear pain. He's never complained of ear pain nor had he ever had an ear infection, that we're aware of. It's 1:45am and he's still complaining of ear pain. We just gave him some Motrin. Our dr's office is closed on wknds. Any experiences with ear infections of this sort? ...



See all 556 articles
24 answers

When Does It Get Easier? 6 Week Old Baby and 4 Year Old and Little to No Sleep

I have a 6 week old baby and a 4 year old. The baby hasn't ever slept for more than a 3 hour stretch at a time (I breastfeed), and the last few nights has been sleeping for 3 hours, then is wide awake for the next 3 hours, which means I get maybe one more hour of sleep after that before my 4 year old wakes up. Baby does sleep on and off most of the day, but never long and doesnt matter cause I am taking care of my 4 year old anyways and can't 'sleep when baby sleeps' (stupid advice. whoever said that had an only child). My mom has been...


Help with Fatigue

Hi all- Maybe I'm just writing this out of reaction to today, but I've...


See all 3,088 articles
21 answers

4 Year Old I Don't Understand

My kids are usually pretty good but my 4 year old son has been a pain lately he cries and screams about everything you tell him. If you tell him to go to bed he cries. He whines all the time and if you try to talk to him he just screams louder until it gives you a headache. i don't know what to do with his fits and throwing himself on the floor. Help me please



See all 1,833 articles
21 answers

ADHD In 3 Year Old

We have been observing our 3 year old for the last year and 1/2 for signs of ADHD. Well her symptoms have escalated in the last month. She is very defiant, gets frustrated very easily, is very impulsive and tests us on everything. She is "hyper" and won't sit still, but that is not a problem :0) can't ask her to do something I'm not capable of. She also goes hysterical at times when you try to show her how to do something or tell her no. I have ADHD and my husband has ADD, we have learned to cope with it and lead normal lives without...


Could It Be the Flu

Okay I know this is going to sound really crazy but I have onyl had the flu...


Flu or Not?

Just wanted to pass this along. All week this week my son has been sick,...

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

See all 160 articles
13 answers

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

i just found out that my 14 month old has hand foot and mouth disease. my doctor gave me a print out about HFMD but i find it to be not very helpful. i have been researching it on the internet, but i was hoping someone that has been through this with their kids and will have some advice or insite on what to do and how she could have caught this.

Headache & Migraine

See all 58 articles
18 answers

3 Yo with Headaches?

My 3.5 year old, has told me 2 times in the last 2 weeks that he has a headache, He put his hand a little above his forehad adn said right here...... what would be causing him to have headaches?


Migraine & Stress

Good morning ladies, sorry if I stumble in this question as the medicine...

Heart Disease

See all 81 articles
14 answers

Neck Pain=early Symptom of a Heart Attack???

I read an article the other day about little know early symptoms of a heart attacks (can occur months to years prior). The first one on the list kind of freaked me out. It was neck pain that doesn't go away with anti-inflamatories or massage! The pain tends to run down the neck. I have been suffering from major neck pain since March. I took meds, got a massage, but nothing helped. It feels like my neck just seezes up and I have to stretch it out and it pops sometimes. I work at a desk, I pick up my 4 year old which I shouldn't, I...


Open Heart Surgery

Can anyone give me any information on the recovery time for open heart...


High Cholesterol

See all 202 articles
32 answers

Cholesterol and Whole Milk

My husband told me last night that he heard (I think from the news or something like that) if there is a history of high cholesterol in your family, and especially if it's you or your husband, than your child should not drink whole milk. My concern is that our daughter will not be getting enough of the fat that she needs if we switch to low fat milk, because my husband has high cholesterol. Our daughter is already in the 35 percentile for weight (because she is in the 95 percentile for height and very active) and is not a big eater. Has...


See all 111 articles
8 answers

3 Year Old W/a Cough? What Can I Give Him?

What can I do for him to help w/his cough? He is too young for cough medicine (they all seem to say age 12 & up) and they don't make infant/toddler cough medicine. Or do they? Anything I can give him to help ease the tickle in his throat? I think he may have gotten this from his sick cousin. Poor little guy. TIA

Mental Health & Learning Disabilities

See all 304 articles
48 answers

4 Year Old Might Have Learning Disabilities

I am the mother of a 4 year old, a full time nanny, and have worked in daycares for 10 years. I do "preschool time" with my son (4) and the other 2 boys, both of whom are 2.5 years old. I teach them through worksheets, activities, crafts, field trips, all kinds of hands-on games, repetition, and more- I like to try and keep it as fun as possible so they do not get bored. I know that my son is very smart, but he has NO interest in learning anything. He only knows 2 colors, 3 shapes, and the letter "O". We work on this every single day. The...


See all 147 articles
17 answers

Babysitter Has Mono

Oh no! Our regular babysitter has mono. She watches my two girls (ages 6 months and 6 years) while I work part-time. Her doctor said that it very rarely spreads to children from adults but I am REALLY WORRIED. Her doctor also said that it could last for months. I'm wondering...would you let her watch your kiddos? She feels Ok now, but I am afraid of her being contagious and spending lots of time with my girls (and in my house). Thank you!!!


Mono in 3 Year Old?

Dear Mommas, My 3 year old son started with 'low' fever week ago Sunday (38)...


Mono Mono Twins

my sister in law is pregnant for the first time with mono mono twins. has...

Multiple Sclerosis

See all 35 articles
13 answers

Anyone Out There with Multiple Sclerosis?

Hi Moms, If you look at my other postings over the last 2 months you'll see that I've been sick..What I "thought" just started out as a cough, turned into bronchitis and went from there.... I went to a second doctor to get another opinion because the dizziness, nauseous, blurred vision and numbness comes and goes so often... He is doing a bunch of bloodwork on me (THANKFULLY) I get the results back in the morning.. He's checking me for lupus, thyroid issues and tuberculosis .. Very scary feeling I'm having.... My blood pressure is low...

Pink Eye

See all 665 articles
26 answers

Homeschooling a 3 Year Old

Any advice on starting a cuuriculum for my 3 year old. I'm a SAHM and our budget is slim, right now I can't afford to get him into half day preschool. The least expensive I've found is $95 a week. So I've been seriously thinking of homeschooling him. What advice, websites and curriculum can be beneficial and easy to teach. Thanks moms


Pink Eye? :(

Yesterday my right eye was bothering me when I put my contacts in, I didn't...


More Pink Eye!!

My 2-year-old daughter got the croup over the weekend and now has pink-eye....


See all 2,770 articles
37 answers

4 Year Old Behavior

I am wondering if any of you have experienced some of these characteristics with your 4 year old (I have a boy). He can't stand tags in his clothing, socks are too tight, pants are too tight (even though they are not.....), no long sleeve shirts (can't stand them!). Behaviors he has are: tantrums....screaming, yelling, and hitting the bedroom door...etc... when we are transitioning him from one thing to the next...and he is not happy about the next event. We also are hearing from others that he is bugging other kids who are next to him...


ADHD In 3 Year Old

We have been observing our 3 year old for the last year and 1/2 for signs of...


Is It Eczema?

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like...


Baby with Hives?

Hi. My 5-month-old baby seems to keep getting what looks like Hives. I...


See all 570 articles
13 answers

Any Mom's Out There with Epilepsy?

I had my first grand-mal seizure at 33 years old while 8 months pregnant. My pregnancy was then considered high risk and weekly monitoring was required. Everything turned out fine and I have a beautiful son. I was prescribed an anti seizure medication which I stopped taking shortly after my son was born. 8 months after the first seizure I had another. At this point my Neurologist ran additional tests and I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. He put me on a different medication. Still in denial about my condition I stopped taking my...


Moms with Epilepsy

I am being quite vulnerable here, but I am desperate to talk with other moms...

Sleep Issues

See all 95 articles
4 answers

3 Year Old Girl Waking Frequently at Night

My now 3 year old has been having sleep problems for about 6 months. She has always been a great sleeper, but suddenly is up at night a lot. We have a structured routine, she goes to bed at 8, she goes down without a fight, she does not sleep with us, etc.... We have tried the thing where you put her to bed over and over in the middle of the night without saying a word to her--doesn't work (keeps getting up over and over for up to 2 hours), we have sat with her, slept on her floor, put her back and kissed her once, talked to her about it...

Stomach Virus

See all 256 articles
22 answers

Stomach Virus or Something Else?

My 6 year old daughter has been having severe stomach pain, usually within a a few hours of eating. It gets worse at night and she has woken up the last several nights around 10pm, crying that her stomach hurts. She has vomited a few times and immediately after that she feels better. At first I thought it was constipation so we gave her a children's laxative and she has had several BM's. She does not have a fever, no diarreah, doesn't seem sick except maybe a bit more tired from the late nights. No one in her class has anything like...

Strep Infections

See all 950 articles
12 answers

My Sons Positive Strep Throat Culture

Hi, My Dr. Just called me to let me knoe the strep throat culture they did came back positvie for him. I guess this means that he is a strep carrier at least in his throat. My Dr. said she was putting some calls into Rilys to see what the next option would be. Has anyone ever been through this with their kids? He prob has had strep throat 8 times this year not to metion the 6 times both his brothers had it. He is 4 yearsold. Any advise will help Thanks

Support Groups

See all 1,493 articles
24 answers

Unruly 3 Year Old

I wrote a couple of weeks ago and i really need some advise. My 3 year old girl is completely out of control. She does not listen to anyone, she is horribly bratty, and has no regard for anyone else. When we are with other children, she will rip toys away from them, push them, and is ALWAYS the boss. But, she is the first to cry when someone else does something to her that she doesn't like. She has started talking baby talk all the time. It's not an attention thing, because I give her attention 24/7 and try very hard to be patient. ...


4 Year Old Behavior

I am wondering if any of you have experienced some of these characteristics...

Urinary Tract Infections

See all 727 articles
9 answers

Help with 4 Year Old

I need some advice. My 4 year old has been potty trained for awhile now and now all she does is pee herself. I feel like ive tried everything i know But she starts school next year and i dont want this to continue but i feel lost. Can anyone help me!


See all 11,984 articles
57 answers

3 Year Old Behavior...

Hello there...I am looking for new tricks to have up my sleeve when dealing with my 3 year old daughter. As of late she has taken to shrieeking when put on a time out. I also have not been able to get her to say "I'm sorry for _____" once she's out of her time out. She flat out refuses and walks away or says she "can't". She also has taken to talking or raising her voice over mine to repeat herself when told "no" in getting something. This she picked up from me due to my using it when she started repeating herself so say "noooooo" over her....


4 Year Old Behavior

I am wondering if any of you have experienced some of these characteristics...