Health: Similac

Results 1-10 from 19 articles

Air Travel Security

S.M. asks from Seattle

Hello Moms! Could you give me an idea of what I can bring on the plane in regards to juice and food? I have a one year old who is still nursing/bottle feeding with ...


Infant First Flight

J.R. asks from Kansas City

Hi Moms! We are taking our 3 month old son on his first flight. I don't have one specific question, but am more just looking for advice. I am a little concerned abo...


Pediatrician Told Me to Keep My Son on Formula at the 1 Year Visit. Need Advice

K.J. asks from New York

I am so sorry, this is going to be long. I like to get a lot of detail in. My son is now 16 months. He does not eat well at all. When I took him to the one year v...


My 7 Month Old Throws up like an Adult!

T.C. asks from Topeka

My daugher is almost 7 months old. Since January she has had 3 spells where she throws up like an adult. It's really scary because it's either immediately after she ...


Any Advice for Dealing with Reflux????

J.H. asks from Cleveland

My daughter is 5 1/2 weeks old and has reflux. The doctor recommended sitting her up after feedings and burping her more often throughout feedings to keep the formul...


Formula Feeding & Postpartum Questions

G.K. asks from Salt Lake City

I just have a couple of questions. First of all this is my second child and I will be having a C-section with her this Thursday. The first one I had naturally, so thi...


Which Bottles Are Best???

W.D. asks from Charlotte

I am 33 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and I am trying to figure out what kind of bottles to get. Everyone that I know has thrown in their two cents about my plans n...


Screamfest! (Colic Stories)

C.R. asks from Boston

Hello, I was just wondering about other moms' experiences with colic. Our little girl is 7 months old now, and thankfully, she completely finished with colic around 3...


Pumping for a Preemie in NICU

K.N. asks from Austin

My friend just delivered her son at 31 weeks. (He is 4 days old, around 3.5 lbs, doing well, breathing on his own). However she's trying to pump breast milk for him a...


10 Month Old on a Plane

A.K. asks from Madison

My husband and I are traveling to Baltimore from Madison with our 10 month old daugther. I am wondering if any of you moms have ideas to occupy her while we are flyi...