Preventative Care: Similac

59 answers

Soon to Be 6 Month Old Is Wheezing

My son will be 6 months old on Feb 6th. He got a bad cold while in day care about 2 1/2 months ago and has not seemed to be the same since. We have gone to the doctor many times and he checks his lungs and says the same thing, Humidifier and drops up the nose. Now my sons eczema has spread to his body and is now wheezing along with constant coughing. He also has red spots (rash) on his arms and legs and cheek. His hands and feet appear to have a slight swelling. Me being a first time mom and having no clue, It appears it may be food...

Visits & Tests

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31 answers

Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she has a milk intolerance so we started giving her Similac Alimentum formula about a week ago. Since, she has gotten better but now, about 20 mins after she eats, she goes through a rough period where she obviously uncomfortable, inconsolable crying, squirming, grunting, etc. I have heard that Similac products are harder on their systems than Enfamil products. I want to switch her to Enfamil Nutramagen but I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back. By the way, the...


Pediatric GI Doctor

One of my twins has reflux and crys 75% of the day. I took him to see a...