Earning Extra Cash: Preschooler, Puppets

Results 1-10 from 11 articles

Behavioral Issues at Preschool

A.E. asks from Dallas

Moms, I really need your insight! I have a 3-year-old daughter (3 in June) who is exhibiting really bad behavior at preschool. Please bear with me! She attends 2 day...


Throwing a Fit at School and at Home !!

E.H. asks from San Francisco

My son is 5 and thinks he is 35 !! He talks back to me and his father, throws things, and tries to tell us what he is doing and what we are going to do as well. Just ...


Roughly How Much Do You Spend on Each Kid at Christmas Time??

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Just wondering what others do for Christmas when they have more than one kid?? I have a 7 year old and a 3 year old and the 7 year old is now getting into more expens...


Summer Fun

T.I. asks from Minneapolis

I was layed off a few weeks back. With the way the economy is, we thought I would stay home with the kids this summer to save money. So what do I with a 3, 6 and 9 ye...


Too Much TV

L.C. asks from Norfolk

This is going to sound bad, and that's because I know it is. But my 3 year old daughter watches entirely too much TV. Between 8-12 hours a day. I know that sounds hor...


Lessons for 4 Yr Old to Prep for Kindergarten

C.S. asks from Albuquerque

This school year my 4 yr old son will be home, so I want to try to homeschool him. I was wondering if anyone has done this and how. Also, do any of you have suggestio...


What Are You Doing with Your Kids This summer.....ideas Needed !!!!

D.C. asks from Dallas

I'm in desperate need of activities to do with my 9 and 3 year old. I've planned movie theater visits (Toy Story 3, Marmaduke, Shrek) and a visit to the Zoo. We...


How Do I Chose Between Two kids....very Worn Down

M.M. asks from Chicago

In a nut shell: I have 2 boys 13 and 4y/o. My 13 y/o has been difficult since day 1, never played alone, and always needed to be encouraged, always bucked when the go...


How Can I Potty Train My 25 Month Old Daughter?

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

She still wears diapers but now with a 3 week old I am buying double diapers and I would love for her to be potty trained. Can anyone tell me what they did, how they ...


Single Dad Needing Help with Abc's and Numbers.

J.T. asks from Seattle

So im on mamapedia, and i'm a dad. I really need help from some of yall. I just got custody of my 4 and a half year old daughter who had been secluded by her grandpar...