Digestion: 24 Hour

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41 answers

Not Producing Enough Milk for 3 Week Old Infant- Supplement?

My 3 week old infant has a huge appetite. My milk supply is in and he eats everything that I produce plus what I pump but at certain times of the day he's still super hungry. (So far he's gaining weight with no problem). We've been supplementing with an additional 2 oz of formula 1 to 2 times a day but I'm wondering if this is the best approach- should we try to hold him off instead to wait for breastmilk to replenish? Will this have an adverse effect on my supply? I pump between some of the feedings (not all); he doesn't seem to have...


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14 answers

Protein in the Urine

I seem to be having a rough time with this pregnancy, even though I feel fine, I was wondering if anyone had protein in their urine and if they had to do one of those 24 hour tests where you collect your urine then they send it in to the lab to check for protein. Its suppose to be more accurate than the typical pee in the cup test. Mine came back high and they said to watch for signs of preclamsia (sp?)and I am suppose to be on bed rest. I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with this? I am really concerned.


11 Weeks Prego

Okay so I am only 11 weeks and 5 days prego right now... and this is my...


Baby Bowel Movement

I have a 6 week old little girl, I am strictly breastfeeding her. She gets...