Activities: Miracle Blanket

Results 1-10 from 38 articles

5 Month Old Breastfed Baby, Sleep Issues, Formula and Miracle Blanket

K.C. asks from Boston

I think I may have a unique problem that is a combination of breastfeeding, swaddling, sleep, and sanity... My 5 month old daughter Isabella was never a great sle...


When & How to Stop Swaddling

J.R. asks from Dallas

When and how did you stop swaddling your baby? My little girl is almost 13 weeks old and sleeps in the Miracle Blanket. The makers suggest ending swaddling from 14-...


Swaddlegate - the Unswaddling of My 4 Month Old

L.D. asks from Austin

My baby will turn 4 months in a week. For the past 3 weeks, he's been busting out of every swaddle we have tried for him. The miracle blanket, the Snug and Tug, the...


Help Breaking the Swaddle

S.C. asks from Sacramento

My daughter is 7 months 3 weeks and we still swaddle her. We have been swaddling her in her crib since day 1 from the hospital. We lucked out and she has always been ...


Sleep Training and the Startle Reflex

D.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi - I have a three month old boy and am about to go back to work next week. I would love it if he started sleeping longer at night - right now he starts out with a ...


Overtired 3 Month Old Is Fighting Sleep

S.M. asks from Washington DC

My second daughter is almost 3 months old. She seems desperate to sleep in the evenings, but seems to have such a hard time. Most nights she screams (that awful scre...


9 Month Old STILL Requires a Swaddle!

B.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I wrote several months when my baby was about 5 months, asking when/how to stop. We have tried everything suggested and she still absolutely requires a swaddl...


Baby Not Sleeping in His Bed

L.C. asks from Dallas

Help! Can't stand to hear 1 month old baby cry. When I put him down to sleep in his bed today, he cried for 10 minutes straight until I picked him up. He was fed, cle...


4 Month Old Sleep Changes/issues

M.H. asks from Las Vegas

My son will be 4 months in three days. The past two weeks his sleep patterns have changed. He is now all of a sudden only taking 45 min naps a day. I used to be abl...


Looking for Help with Getting 3 Month Old to Sleep

M.A. asks from Providence

Hi ladies, I was hoping to get some advice. I have an almost three month old baby and am trying to do the right thing so that she learns to fall asleep on her own. ...