Fertility Doctor Recommendations

Updated on August 11, 2009
S.S. asks from Chicago, IL
6 answers

Hi - I'm writing this for a friend. She's 38 and has been trying for a baby for six months. She needs recommendations for a doctor to go to - who can check both her and her husband for any issues.

Also looking for any recommendations for clinics that use natural methods (acupuncture, herbs, etc) to boost fertility.

Thanks in advance!

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for your responses. My friend is just going to get checked out, and if all is ok, will then pursue the acupuncture route. Thanks again!

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

Dr. Karande out of Hoffman Estates is wonderful. I got pregnant with twins my first round of IVF



answers from Chicago on

Your friend should ask her Dr for a reco for a fertiliy doc and she and her husband should get checked. Assuming all is fine anatomically with both, I would hold off with fertility and try other holistic methods. Fertiitly clinics push it on you, but tell your friend to hold off. I was in a similar situation, my husband and I both checked and fine. Came down to age (41 and 46) but the fertility clinic was really pushing the drugs and procedures. We decided not to go that route (it was scary) and a few months later conceived naturally. Good luck to your friend and tell her to hang in there. Sometimes it just takes a little longer and when you know everything is in working order, a little piece of mind helps.



answers from Chicago on

HI, first, 6 months feels like an eternity but really that's not so long. I was 33 when I got pregnant with my first and it took me 9 months. I believe in the past they would say up to 18 months - 2 years was normal - these days though women are pushed into fertility much sooner. Saying all that, after about 6 months of trying I did go to an acupuncturist who was wonderful! Through acupuncture and using a basil thermometer I was able to get pregnant in 3 months (turns out my cycle did not fit the "norm" so basil thermometer is really helpful and it takes a few months to see if you are consistent or irregular, etc). I know my acupuncturist said that it works better if there has never been any prior use of fertility treatments so if your friend is open to it have her try it first. But she needs to know she is going to a reputable place. She can call Whole Health Chicago for a recommendation, there is a woman by the name of Mari there (i've never gone to her but I've heard she's good). Even if you are not in Chicago, Mari may be able to recommend an acupuncture place in the burbs. The woman I used to go to is moving back to Isreal for four years so I can't recommend her. At any rate, I would really recommend to your friend to try the alternative route first because it is a lot easier than fertility treatments and in the long run less expensive! and healthier?? maybe...... :)



answers from Chicago on

I went through Dr. Dmowski at Oakbrook Fertility. They check out both for any problems before they start any other process. They are all great in the office. I lucked out and only had to go through IVF once and have twin girls. I am considering going back one more time.
Tell her good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I've heard great things about this place, something to consider.




answers from Chicago on

Check out FCIonline.com. They have offices all over and I am currently going to the office in hoffman estates seeing Dr. Nani. They can test both of them and I believe they are now offering natural methods at some of the locations. Good luck to your friend.

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