Has Anyone Tried Acupuncture to Get Pregnant?

Updated on June 04, 2010
M.Z. asks from Kansas City, MO
7 answers

My husband and I are on our 15th month of trying and we are currently going through testing. I was just wondering if anyone had tried acupuncture and how it worked for them. I do not know what our tests will show and if acupuncture would even be helpful in our situation but I thought I would get more info on it and see if it is even an option. Also do you have any suggestions on where to go and cost? Thanks.

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answers from Kansas City on

my friend is actually doing this now. I'll copy and paste her email to me for you :)

I was surprised how reasonable acupuncture is compared to all the other fertility treatments we’ve tried. At this particular doctor it’s about $50 a visit (each visit the needles are in for 30 minutes). I’ll go for 5 consecutive days, then once the following week and then once two weeks after that. So, it’s about $350 total. In the grand scheme of things that’s really not too bad compared to the other costs we’ve incurred with no success.

I can ask for the dr. info if you'd like me to :)
Good luck!



answers from Kansas City on

Well M. z.,
i dom't know if it works or not but i wish you all the luck in the world.
J. n.



answers from Kansas City on

I went to Mary Zhang, too. She was not able to help me get pregnant, but she did help a co-worker. Her manner is a bit off-putting and at times stressed me out, since she can be a "yeller," but she's had a LOT of success and has become something of a local expert on the subject.



answers from Kansas City on

I went to Mary Zhang - ###-###-#### She is wonderful! She is Taiwanese and has a very friendly manner...and VERY energetic! She really cares about her patients. I have gone to her for more than 2 years. First I went because I was exhausted post partum from my older daughter...then I continued going when we had trouble getting pregnant again...I guess within about 3 months I was pregnant with my now 7 month old. I do recommend her...She trained in San Francisco, she has worked with OBs at KU and specializes in infertility. Of note, I am a western medicine doctor and I cant explain why what she does works, but I believe it does!



answers from Kansas City on

My husband and I tried to conceive for eight years (clomid, glucophage, etc)- then I went to Mary Zhang and was pregnant within 4 months. I truly love Mary and am always happy to refer people to her - if it wasn't for Mary we wouldn't have such a beautiful healthy little boy (he's two). Mary's website is www.maryzhang.com. I highly recommend her! (I don't know what her cost is now, but what we paid was SO much less than infertility treatments!)



answers from Kansas City on

Hi M.,
I am an acupuncturist and a mom from Prairie Village. I work with Fertility frequently. I am experienced with natural fertility enhancement, IUI,IVF, and Male Fertility. My website is www.planetacupuncture.com with my info including office contact.I am a wellness provider for most types of insurance. This means you recieve a discount w/your insurance card as most plans don't cover acupuncture in Kansas. Best of Luck, S.



answers from Chicago on

Hi, dont know where you live, but I have had the most amazing experience at a place called Harmony Health in chicago. After the hell I had been through with repeat ivf etc., I found Harmony, and Dr. Lisa CorriganBilkey, who believed in me and mt body from the start. I was actually listened to rather than talked at, and I felt like she and everyone in the place really cared that I get pregnant. I have had my little girl, but feel like i should tell others so you wont have to suffer as long as i did! By the way, they look like the most professional office in the city.

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