Enfamil Gentlease Formula Issues Anyone?

Updated on August 02, 2007
J.D. asks from Palatine, IL
13 answers

My 3 month old is currently on Gentlease. We switched to this from the Lipil with iron last month. Here's the problem: The canisters of powder are not creating a consistent formula - from one canister to the next. Sometimes the formula separates out and it seems to make our daughter very uncomfortable!

A friend suggested Carnation good start, but we were told at the hospital to stick with the brand of formula the baby started on.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thanks to everyone who took time to share their experiences. It is really helpful to know others who have been down the same road. At dr's appt. today we were told we could switch. I will be trying good start!


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answers from Chicago on

Hi, Jean. I've also heard that you should stick with the brand the baby started on, but I don' think that's for everyone. I mostly breastfeed, but do supplement with one bottle each weekday of formula. At the hospital, my baby was jaundiced when he was born, so we had to give him an ounce a day of formula to help flush out the bilirubin, and the hospital gave us Similac. Once the jaundice cleared up, we didn't have to supplement anymore.

Once I started back to work and pumping for his day care, I realized I would need to supplement with the one bottle a day (just don't get enough when I pump), I read a lot about different ones and really liked the idea of the Carnation/Nestle Good Start. I think it was the "comfort proteins" that got me. In any event, my little boy loves the Good Start and has had no problem switching. Both formula brands we used are milk-based, so I think as long as you are consisntent with the base (milk vs. soy), you should be fine.

Let me know how it goes. Good luck!


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answers from Chicago on


Although hesitant at first, I have been very happy with Target's version of the Gentlease formula. I have never experienced the issue you discussed in your request with this version.

Hope this helps!

H. Simpson



answers from Chicago on

We did the same thing you did, I found the Gentlease did not mix well, then we tried Target brand like Gentlease, it mixed better, but we had constipation issues. So we are on Nestle Goodstart are very happy with it. My son has been on it for about 3 months and is doing well, less spit up, better bowel movements. We switched 4 times from Enfamil Lipil to Gentlease to Target brand to Nestle and had no problems switching. Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

Maybe try a soy formula, we had to do this with my daughter since it turned out she had an early milk allergy. The only thing that she could use was the Isomil Advance from Similiac, it is ok to change formulas if your baby is uncomfortable, she just might have a few days of diaherria when you switch. Also the onestepahead web site sells a pitcher that you can mix the formula in and it stirs from the bottom as to keep the clumps down. Good Luck.



answers from Chicago on

Hello! I switched my son from Similiac to Good Start when he was 2 months old. It has been wonderful! I love the formula and so does he. I thik as long as you make the transiton slowly and the baby has no allergies to milk based formula, you should be okay. I didn't switch slowly b/c my son was so gassy and miserable. I just gave him the new stuff and he lapped it up like he hadn't eaten in a month. What does your pedi. say? Mine told me to switch. Good luck!




answers from Chicago on

It's true. All docs and hospitals have contracts with about everything nowadays. Just because they say so; doesn't mean it's right. Obviously, if your LO is uncomfortable; that isn't the right food for her!! I've used many brands. It's what makes her happy. But when changing formulas stick with one for atleast four days. Just to be safe. Don't switch to soy unless it's your last resort. BTW- my last LO was on Good Start. It was the only thing she would take when I weaned her! And she had a sensitive tummy and it worked great! Good luck!
Mom to 4 great kids!



answers from Chicago on

First off, I would check with your pediatrician regarding changing. If this is making her uncomfortable, I am sure they will have you try something else. I don't know if Gentlease makes a liquid form (either concentrated or ready to use) but you might try that. Liquid forms are more pricy though. Also, have the pediatrician look to see if she has reflux, sometimes the initial warning signs is uncomfortable during or after a feeding & a key one is arching of the back in discomfort. Good luck. I had to switch formulas a couple of times until I got one that worked for my son.



answers from Chicago on

We used Gentlease and still had some problems. I think the seperation of the formula and water is just how that works sort of like breastmilk when it seperates. I would just shake it up and it would be fine. I still had problems on the gentlease so I eventually switched to a lactose free formula and had no more gas, fussiness, etc., issues.



answers from Chicago on

I switched a few times with my children(i am due any day to have #4) I never had a problem, my girls had an issue with every formula except good statr. It is easier on there stomachs. Good Luck.If you register with them they send you good coupons in the mail too.



answers from Chicago on

The hospital signs a contract with a particular brand of formula so they are "required" to tell you to use that one. All my kids used Good Start and it was great. Hardly any spitting up. There was a child at my sitters that was on a different formula and spit up all the time!! My sitter tried him on good start and immediately there was hardly any spitting up. I swear by good start.



answers from Chicago on

Hi Try Good Start. We tried five different formulas before settling on Good Start. There's no reason why you can't experiment a little. The hospital is wrong...you don't need to stick with what they gave your daughter, you need to experiment with different kinds and use the one that's best for your child.



answers from Chicago on

I would talk to your Dr. but I recommoned members mark brand, it is the same as Enfamil Lipil and they also make a Gentlease one... I use the regular members mark, but it is only $20 for a 3lb can, the gentlease is $25 for also a 3lbs can...



answers from Chicago on

It's true, once you find a formula that works well with your child it is best to stick with it, but you need to find one that works for her first. And what is best for one baby is not best for all babys. Your friend's suggestion is worth a try but don't rule out other brands. Get a small can and try your daughter out on it for a week or so. If that doesn't work well for her try something else.

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