Anyone Used Sweet N Sassy?

Updated on January 09, 2009
C.B. asks from Fort Worth, TX
6 answers

I am thinking of doing a Sweet n Sassy party for my daughter this year, has anyone here used them? Also did anyone here add the limo ride and was it worth it? Any info is appreciated. I am NOT looking for any other type of party so please do not advertise in this section.thanks

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answers from Dallas on

I did my daughter's 8th birthday party at S and S in Southlake. There is now another one in Norheast mall. She had a good time and her 8 friends had a good time. The girls enjoyed hair, makeup, mini mani and mini pedi, dancing, singing and walking like models on the runway. They got to pick out their own polish and toe ring. It was fun, but pricey. My daugher is an only child so we could splurge on her. We didn't do the limo because it was an extra $150, plus she had been the flower girl in so many weddings that the limo ride didn't matter to her. It's definitely a memorable birthday for them.



answers from Dallas on

I took my daughter and a couple of her friends to Sweet & Sassy in Southlake for her 5th Bday in October and they LOVED it! I thought that it was very reasonably priced and while I was talking with the manager about booking my daughter's next birthday there she mentioned to me that in January they were rolling out a new price schedule and that price for all of the parties and the limo add-on were going to be reduced. I am definitely using Southlake S & S for my daughter's BIG party next year. It's money well spent.



answers from Dallas on

We had my daughters 10th birthday at Sweet n Sassy in Highland Village. The girls had a blast! It is pricey, but worth it. We didn't use the limo.


answers from Dallas on

How old is your daughter?

I have not done Sweet n Sassy and don't know about that.

HOWEVER, when my daughter was 10 we got a limo for her bday party to pick each girl up at her home, ride everyone around while they had sodas and light snacks, and after the ride they all came back to our house for a sleepover and movies.

They loved the limo so much that we did the limo again for her 11th bday.

I think I paid about $250 or so not including tip for the limo for about 3 hours. It was worth it and a lot of fun.



answers from Wichita Falls on

I used Sweet n Sassy for my daughter's 12th birthday last year. We included the limo and the girls had a blast!!!! It's pricey, but they did a great job. The limo was so cool....awesome lights, music, etc... They picked the girls up (no eating or drinking allowed in the limo), drove them around for about 30 minutes and took them to the salon where they had a spa makeover. After their makeup and hair, they had a fashion show and danced. There is a separate room for cake (you have to bring your own) and presents. After refreshments, the girls got to make their own lotions (scents, glitter, etc) from the gift shop. Then the limo took them for another 30 minute ride and dropped us off at a restaurant where the girls felt so glamorous: getting out of a limo all dolled up! :) The best part: They handled everything....all I had to do was take pictures and enjoy the party!



answers from Dallas on

C., I do something very similar called Bella Bee. Except, I come to you. We do mini manicures, and I show them how to apply their makeup (it's a very sheer, glittery makeup that smells like whatever theme you pick). It starts at $15 per girl and includes a Bella Bee purse for each guest, a lipgloss, a body glitter gel, boduy glitter pencil and nail polish, and a Hollywood accessory of your choice. There are many other add-ons as well. Check out my site and click on the Bella Bee icon. I keeo the girls entertained with games and crafts for about an hour as well as making each girl a personalized full size Hershey candy bar with the birthday girl's theme. Feel free to call me as well ###-###-####. Rainbow Wishes, M.

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