Stages & Milestones: Melissa & Doug

21 answers

Ours Was the Only One Acting Out in This Fashion- Sitting Still Suggestions??

Mamas & Papas - I know it is bad practice to compare kids, but at a christening party we attended this weekend, it was pretty conspicuous that ours was the only one acting out in this fashion. Admittedly, the other children there were either younger, i.e. less than a year, and not yet mobile, or older about 2- 2.5 or older. After romping with daddy and mommy, and going up and down the stairs and opening and closing doors at the church, when the baptism finally started, he kept still pretty well for the 15 minutes or so that the actual...


See all 207 articles
17 answers

4 Yr Old Girl B-day Gift Ideas

Hello! My son just started pre-school and has been invited to a classmates birthday party. The party if for a little girl who is turning 4. Any gift ideas? I am not sure what she likes (we just started pre-school) and have no idea's what to a buy a little girl. I go to the store and end up in the train section! lol! Thanks for any suggestions!


6 Year Old Girl Gift

We are going to a birthday party tomorrow for a 6 year old little girl. I...


Eating Solid Foods & Weaning

37 answers

Swaddling and Stimulation Questions

My son is 11 weeks old, but was born 18 days early. My husband and I have been using the soothing methods from Happiest Baby on the Block to get him to sleep. He's a super active baby, always swinging/punching/flailing/kicking, and swaddling him is the only way he can sleep w/o waking himself up. In a couple weeks I'd like to start letting him "cry it out" a little when putting him down so I can stop relying on the swing to get him to nap. My question is how will he be able to self-soothe w/o his little hands? Any tips on how I can "step...

Growth, Height & Weight Charts

17 answers

Chore Chart for a 3Yr Old?

I was wondering if I should set up a chore chart for my 3 yr old. She helps me when we go grocery shopping by trying to find what is on my list. I tell her what I am looking for and she helps me look for it and most of the time she finds it with no trouble. Then helps me put them up when we get home. She is always wanting to help do things around the house and does a pretty good job of it but then sometimes she refuses to do anything that I ask her. So I was wondering if a chore chart might help and how do I set up one? Is she old enough to...


See all 44 articles
21 answers

Ours Was the Only One Acting Out in This Fashion- Sitting Still Suggestions??

Mamas & Papas - I know it is bad practice to compare kids, but at a christening party we attended this weekend, it was pretty conspicuous that ours was the only one acting out in this fashion. Admittedly, the other children there were either younger, i.e. less than a year, and not yet mobile, or older about 2- 2.5 or older. After romping with daddy and mommy, and going up and down the stairs and opening and closing doors at the church, when the baptism finally started, he kept still pretty well for the 15 minutes or so that the actual...

Language Skills

27 answers

Lesson Plans for 2 Year Old

I am a stay at home mom and my son just turned 2. He is very bright and has started letter recognition and counting, and is hit or miss with his colors. We do lots of educational activities throughout the week, but I would like to sit down with him at home with some "lessons" in mind. Don't worry, I will not be forcing him to do anything that he is not capable of, like sitting for a full hour of "class" or anything like that. I would just like to expose him to things that they might be doing in a daycare/preschool setting. I want to...

Learning Colors

See all 97 articles
51 answers

Learning Colors and Shapes

I have been working with my son since he turned one on his ABC's and 123's. He could say all his ABC's and count to 15 by the time he turned two. While all of this is sooo wonderful, I cannot get him to learn his colors or shapes...not even a little!!! The ONLY time he's said a few colors without help is if I'm giving him candy and he has to say the color before he can have it! I cannot and will not keep offering him candy just to say his colors! Shapes I haven't focused in much because I got too frustrated with colors. Anway, to make a...


Toddlers and Colors

My son is 3 years old. He will be 4 in March. He seems to have trouble...

Learning Letters & Numbers

See all 73 articles
48 answers

How Do I Begin to Teach My 3 Year Old His Letters?

Hello, I need help teaching my almost 3 year old his ABC's. He can say his ABC's, but as far as letter recognition goes, he has no interest. How do I begin? I tried a few things, but he is not interested at all! I want to start teaching him letters, and I'm not giving up, but I need something that works. Please help! :)


See all 106 articles
17 answers

Need Help Teaching My 3+ Year-old to Do Buttons, Zippers, Etc.

My 3+ year old is showing interest in getting himself ready. He is starting to get really good at dressing himself and is trying to do buttons, zippers, etc. Does anyone have a suggestion for teaching these skills? I seem to recall that somewhere there's a toy that teaches those, plus snaps, maybe shoe tying, etc. Perhaps Melissa & Doug - but I can't seem to find anything. Any advice would be helpful...


Preschool or Not?

I have a 2 year old little boy and people are starting to ask me if we are...

Sitting Up

See all 101 articles
21 answers

Ours Was the Only One Acting Out in This Fashion- Sitting Still Suggestions??

Mamas & Papas - I know it is bad practice to compare kids, but at a christening party we attended this weekend, it was pretty conspicuous that ours was the only one acting out in this fashion. Admittedly, the other children there were either younger, i.e. less than a year, and not yet mobile, or older about 2- 2.5 or older. After romping with daddy and mommy, and going up and down the stairs and opening and closing doors at the church, when the baptism finally started, he kept still pretty well for the 15 minutes or so that the actual...


See all 36 articles
11 answers

Should I Buy a Baby Walker?

I would like to get my ten month old a baby walker, the kind you push, not the kind you sit in and wheel around in. My first question is, does anyone have a recommendation of a good one? I am leaning towards the Haba Wagon Walker, because it's sturdy, but sooooo expensive! Does anyone have the much cheaper Melissa and Doug alligator walker and like it? My second question is, will it still work if you have a VERY small apartment? And the only room we can completely babyproof is the living room, so we wouldn't even be able to let him...

Tummy Time

See all 7 articles
15 answers

Time-out Is Not Working (3Yrold)

Hi moms, so i have a question for my friend who has a three year old daughter. (she was asking me for advise, i helped her with what i could, i'm a mother of one to a 16 month.but hoping you guys can help, thanks) My friend is having problems with her three yr old (who will be four soon) who isn't very nice, won't listen, acts out, and does completely the opposite of what they tell her. She has no idea what to do as far as discipline. She's done time-out and has taken her favorite toy and t.v. away for discipline, but wants to know what...