Soothing & Comforting: Child, Munchkin

Results 1-10 from 210 articles

Please Help Me Calm Down

L.G. asks from Hartford

I was hoping to wait until around 3 or 4 to get my son the chickenpox vaccine and now it's apparently going around my area according to SickWeather app. Of course the...


Lookin for Advice on Best Time to Have a Second Child

A.M. asks from Boston

just looking for advice/ opinion on when to have a second child, I had wanted to have them close together but that has not yet worked out, I have one child 15mo old ...


Need Help Putting Child in Her Own BED

D.C. asks from Honolulu

I need advise on putting my almost 4 year old daughter in her own bed. I know this is bad but my daughter has slept with me her entire life. I know I need to put he...


How Can I Stop My 7 Year Old from Climbing into Our Bed at Night?

P.K. asks from San Diego

Almost every night I find our cute little munchkin sound asleep in our bed. Originally we said friday nights only...the rest of the week the master bed is mom & dads....


Need Advice on Spacing Between Kids

M.B. asks from Atlanta

I am looking for a bit of advice on spacing my kids out. I have a 5 month old and my husband and I have been talking on getting pregnant again. I hear that having y...


Sleep Deprived--How to Cope? Mom's of CHALLENGING orADHD Children Help!

E.M. asks from Denver

I am wondering how to cope with sleep deprivation??? I am 20 weeks pregnant with #3 and have gotten less than 3 hours sleep a night for 2 out of the past 3 nights in...


Giving My 2 Year Old Medicine.

H.S. asks from Springfield

My daughter is 22 months old and will not take medicine for anything. I have tried nearly everything I can think of. I bought her one of those munchkin pacifier medi...


Having Descipline Issues with My 2 Year 5 Month Old.

R.H. asks from Denver

Rescently My little munchkin has started something new.. She has done the typical throw herself down or stand and scream fits for her age. We deal with those by telli...


Single Mommy!

B.E. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, Thanks for inviting me to the group. I'm a new mom and I am loving every bit of it but I do have one problem. During my pregnancy, my fiance and I split (it's h...


Co-sleeping Thoughts - Older Children

L.M. asks from Phoenix

I was reading some requests and answers, and most of the requests and answers are Husband & Wife, with babies that co-sleep together. I am a single mom, i have be...