Sleeping Habits: Infant, Playtex

Results 1-10 from 120 articles

Infant Not Sleeping and Not Taking Bottle

E.M. asks from Columbus

Hi all, I have a new infant 6 weeks old who I have been trying to wean off the breast. I go back to work in a week and a half and he will be going to a sitters. He ...


Getting Infant to Take a Paci

A.T. asks from Dallas

Any advice on getting an infant to take a paci? My 6 week old daughter will not take a paci, but wants to suckle on my breast before falling asleep...I am becoming a...


Bottle Feeding an Infant

S.M. asks from Buffalo

Does anyone have any suggestions about getting an infant to take a bottle? My husband and I have been working with our newborn (twelve weeks old) for about 8 weeks no...


Fussy Baby

L.D. asks from Boston

what is the best thing you did or bought to calm a fussy baby with reflux my poor son is 4 weeks old and just can not self soothe without a bottle in his mouth and I ...


What's the Best Baby Carrier?

L.S. asks from Austin

I want to buy a type of pouch baby carrier, but I am not sure if it really does the job. Looking for something comfortable for me and the baby and easy to put on. C...


Dribbling Baby

K.J. asks from Chicago

Hello everyone, My baby is 6 weeks old and a dribbler! I know she is hungry but seems to dribble quite a bit and her bib is soaked. She does not do this every fe...


What Is Your Favorite Baby Carrier?

C.S. asks from Medford

I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby and used several different slings and a baby bjorn with my first two. The slings were good for sitting and working on my computer (and b...


Best Baby Harness/sling

S.B. asks from Iowa City

I am wondering what other moms' experiences are with baby slings (not sure what you call them). The type that the baby is harnessed on the front of you? They look v...


Advice? Baby List

J.K. asks from Fayetteville

What were some things that you jay couldn't live without when you had a baby? Different brands, different must haves?


What to Do When Baby Is Hungry/ While on the Road

B.B. asks from Atlanta

My 7week old son doest have a pacifier (he doesnt use any) or a bottle (i dont pump, waiting on my breast pump and please let me know what kind of baby bottles to get...