Sheets, Blankets, Pillows: Playtex

Results 1-10 from 91 articles

Breastfed Baby Won't Take Bottle

D.C. asks from Tampa

I am having trouble getting my 3 month old breastfed baby to take a bottle. I am going back to work soon and dad needs to give him a bottle of pumped breast milk whi...


Need Baby Registry Advice

B.D. asks from Kansas City

I'm expecting a baby girl in February, and we just brought home our new 10 and 5 year-old sons from Russia. Life is a little hectic right now, and most of my time is...


Reusing Baby Things/breast Pump with New Baby

A.A. asks from Tulsa

Our new little boy will be here in 12 weeks, and I am trying to get organized. We have the majority of baby things saved from our first son (lots of clothes, swing, ...



D.N. asks from Tampa

As some of you already know from my previous cries out for help, I have a colicky baby with GERD (reflux) who was being breastfed, but now is on formula (to 1-see if ...


When Are Pillows Ok?

N.D. asks from Boca Raton

My son is 8 months old and I've noticed that he has recently started putting his teddy bear under his head when he sleeps (he also has a little nasal congestion right...


What Do I Need??

J.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and can't wait!! Any advise on the things you couldn't live without? We have a crib, car seat,...


What Do You Really NEED for a New Born?

E.B. asks from Santa Barbara

We're trying to plan and be as prepared as necessary for our first born who is scheduled to arrive in Sept. We do not want to have lots of unnecessary "stuff". We a...


New Baby Must-Haves

J.H. asks from Columbus

I am pregnant with my first child and my husband and I were talking about when we should start buying baby stuff, and what we should get. So I'm curious: When did ...


Need a Good Nighttime Diaper

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

My 7 month old son has been waking in the morning all wet above his diaper. This has been happening on and off since he was born but the past week and a half it has b...


Recommended Baby Items for 1St Time Momma

M.C. asks from Boston

My husband and I are expecting our first child in July. This will be the first grandchild on both sides and his mom is dying to hit the store! She would like for us...