Recurring Expenses: Maalox

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53 answers

Experience W/ Colic Calm Gripe Water ? Prevacid/Zantac Not Working

My baby is 5 weeks old and was diagnosed a week ago with reflux (GER) which she's had probably since she was about 3-3.5 weeks old. She cries nonstop all day basically. She's on prevacid in the morning maalox max throughout the day (as needed) which provides very temporary relief (few minutes) and Zantac at night. It's been just over 5 days now and we're still not seeing much improvement. My ped GI said give it 2 weeks but that just seems ridiculous - you'd think by now I'd see a little improvement! I heard about Colic Calm gripe water....


15 answers

Hearburn Relief During Pregnancy

Before I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago I was taking the generic form of Prilosec everyday. I have stopped taking that, but my heartburn/acid reflux is so, so bad now. Some nights, like tonight, I could cry it hurts so bad. My OB has told me I can chew some Tums...but I have such bad acid reflux those have never helped me. With my last pregnancy sucking on hard cinnamon candy helped me but this time it just makes it worse. I can't even drink water. Any suggestions will be appreciated.