Potty Training: Toddler, Videos & Books

Results 1-10 from 65 articles

When to Potty Train?

J.J. asks from Phoenix

I am at a stump here as to when is the right time to try potty training. My 18 month old daughter has a potty that we let her play with and she has shown interest in...


Child Who Will Not Potty Train

J.P. asks from Boise

I need help! My 2 1/2 year old will not potty train. He knows when he needs to go, and he knows what to do, but he will not do it. He told me he wants to be a baby fo...


Potty Training

K.P. asks from New York

My son is starting to show signs that he's ready to potty train... recommendations for potty chairs and good books welcome!


Frustrated Mom Seeking Advice on How to Potty Train Her Kid

S.N. asks from Sioux Falls

I have a 3 1/2 year old son that is having problems with potty training. He does ok with the peeing but he still continues to poop in his pants. He had been doing r...


Potty Training

M.S. asks from Washington DC

Hi moms! I would like to get started on toilet training our 14.5 month old baby boy. Is it too early? How do I begin? We are starting from absolute scratch. We bou...


Potty Training?

H.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, moms! This is kind of long but I am very anxious about this. This is for those of you with little ones you've recently potty trained. My son is 22 mo. and my pedi...


Potty Training Issues for a 33 Month Old Boy

J.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Moms! I need some help from the moms out there with my sons potty training. We have been potty training for a few months now, but with some issues involved...


Potty Training

C.P. asks from Wichita

i am trying 2 potty train my son and he just don't want 2 do it can anyone give me any ideas 2 help me out with this i will be so great ful


Potty Training

A.G. asks from Tulsa

I am seeking good advice about potty training and how to tell if your children are ready? I have 3y/o Twin girls identical who were born premature. They have been beh...


Potty Training

K. asks from Houston

I am seeking advice for me about my 3 yr. old. son, my husband and I have been trying to potty train him since he turned 3 this past October, we are to the point wher...