Nap & Bedtime: Toddler, SwaddleMe

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32 answers

sleep......what Is That?

my five week old son started off life sleeping three to four hours a night. and now it seems he is only sleeping an hour and a half to two hours at a time. also, his father is not very helpful during the night time hours and is away all day, so this leaves me with an around the clock job going on two to three hours of sleep. the baby will not sleep flat on his back, which makes everything even harder. help! what can i do to help the baby sleep longer.

Ferber or Cry it Out

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5 answers

4 Month Old Ready to Lose Swaddle?

So my son is 4 1/2 months old and has always been an awful sleeper. We have tried every suggestion in every web site, discussion board, book, and class we could find, with almost no improvement. One of the things we found that helped him get to sleep, and stay asleep longer than 20 minutes, was to swaddle his arms down. However we're at the point where that seems to hurt more than help. He can fight his way out of the tightest wrapping (even things like the SwaddleMe or Sleepsack swaddler). Also he's getting almost too big to wrap properly...

Night Waking & Crying

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31 answers

Sleeping in the Night

I'm a new mom of an almost 4 week old little boy. we've been trying to train him to learn the difference between day and night since he happens to stay up between 3-5 am. he loves to sleep during the day, which can be frustrating because he wont take full feedings and his long hours of sleep probably keep him up during the night.... any suggestions for this tired mom?

No Cry Sleep Solution

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22 answers

5-Month Old Won't Sleep More than 2 Hours in a Row

Hello Mamas - I desperately need your help. About a month ago, we transitioned my daughter from the bassinet to the crib. She had been waking up once or twice a night while sleeping in the bassinet. Ever since she has been in the crib, she has woken up every 1.5 to 2 hours, like clockwork. I literally have not slept more than 2 hours in a row since then, and am at my wits end. I nurse her full-time, and it is the easiest way to get her to go back to sleep, so that is what we've been doing. Occasionally if she wakes up sooner than 2...


Help! Baby WONT Sleep

My daughter is now about 6 weeks old. Within the last week, she has stopped...