Mother's Milk Tea: Infant, Meijer

Results 1-10 from 32 articles

Low Milk Suppy

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hi there, I think my milk supply is dropping because my 14 month old baby definitely prefers one breast (I think that’s because the other one is simply drying up...


Reduced Milk Supply

A.L. asks from Chicago

When my daughter started eating cereal three times a day (at about 5 months) she started nursing mainly right before bed and at 5 am. She might nurse for 5 -10 minut...


Increasing Milk Production

T.S. asks from Dayton

Hi moms! I could use some advice. I am a new mom with a one week old baby. I had to start supplementing formula because my daughter dropped a pound from her birth ...


5 Weeks Old Infant Milk Protein Allergy Allimentum HELP Please

E.F. asks from Detroit

Hi Everyone, I need some help. Wondering if anyone has experience with Allimentum formula? My son is only 5 weeks old and I was nursing but sick myself with bad migr...


Not Enough milk-BFing Question

L.S. asks from Grand Rapids

I have ben EBFing my DD who is almost 6 months. Recently it feels like she wants to nurse all the time. On the days I work I pump while at work but I am only gettting...


Low Milk Supply and Herbal Supplements

J.F. asks from Columbus

I am exclusively breastfeeding my almost 5 mo old son. He has dairy and soy intollerances (blood in his stool and diarhea). Other than that, he is a big, healthy boy ...


Breastfeeding and VERY Hungry Baby

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

ok I am asking this question for my cousin because she cant find the answer in any of her breastfeeding books. I formula fed my son so I am clueless on the subject. o...


Has Anyone Used (Finugreek) While Breastfeeding?

S.C. asks from Cincinnati

Hi, I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old son. He just turned 4 months so he will be starting cereal. I haven't pumped any milk at all, I'm solely breastfee...



M.S. asks from Columbus

My daughter is almost 10 weeks old and we are breastfeeding. While I was pregnant I decided to breast feed and I was like oh this will be so good for her and it will...


Going Back to Work Need Advice on Breastfeeding/pumping!!!

S.F. asks from Chicago

ok, so i am going back to work in a little less than 2 weeks. my dd will be 8 weeks old and is exclusively breast fed, she loves it. it has been difficult getting h...