Liquids: Infant, Water Toys

Results 1-10 from 101 articles

When to Give Infant a Bath Everyday?

C.A. asks from New York

Hi all. I have asked questions before and you were all so very helpful. I have another question to ask. When do you start giving an infant a bath everyday? My daughte...


Obsessed with Water!

C.K. asks from Fresno

For the last id say 6 months or so, my 3 year old has been OBSESSED with playing with the water in the house, the sink, taking the water out of her cup all over her t...


Transitioning Out of Baby Bath Tub

J.R. asks from Minneapolis

My question today is about transitioning out of the infant bath tub. Does anyone have any suggestions? She hasn't fully outgrown the tub, but she will be very soon....


My Son Does Not like Water

K.W. asks from Portland

My 15 month old son does not like water. and I mean getting in any water baby pool lake heated pool or even the bath what do I do?


16Mth Old Scared of Water

B.B. asks from Jacksonville

I have a 16mth old that is scared to death of the pool. If she sees you in a bathing suit she runs inside the house and hides. I have tried everything I can think of ...


Baby Shower Ideas

B.N. asks from Denver

My co-worker is throwing a baby shower to our colleague this Saturday. Some attendees will be bringing their kids to the party. I just need some inexpensive ideas t...


Where to Get Water Games for Bday Party

A.M. asks from Dallas

Hi, where would I get fun water games for a summer bday party? The other day I passed by a house that was having a kids party and they had these little colored squigg...


Christmas Gifts for 5 & 6 Yr. Olds and Baby

C.D. asks from Atlanta

Hi to All ~~ I cannot seem to come up with ideas for Christmas gifts for my grandkids three are 5 and one is 6, the other two babies under 6 mos. Usually I come up w...


Home Party Ideas

S.W. asks from St. Louis

Hello Mamas - My baby girl is turning 6 in July and has asked to have her party at home. Which is fine, except that I don't know what to do with a group of 10 6 year...


Bathing a Baby in the Shower Without a Tub

P.M. asks from San Francisco

This is a question I have for down the road a bit, but I thought I'd gather ideas now... Currently, my husband and I bathe our baby once a week in a baby tub on the k...