Kids & Money: Safeway

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31 answers

Some Ways to save Money

I was recently doing childcare out of my home as well as my full time job as a Social Worker. I was let go from my childcare position. I was expecting to get the child's sibling. So rather than increase my income it dropped dramitcally. My question is how are others making ends meet. Both my husband and I pack our lunches for work and rarely eat out as a family. I clip coupons to save money at the store. I no longer shop for items that we do not need such as clothing. I have had a garage sale and sold unneeded items on ebay. I have...


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71 answers

I Need to Work at Home!

I had to leave my current job as my boss slandered my name to other employees which I know is against the law, but it is not worth my time and effort to seek it out. So I have been home for a year and am trying to find the perfect work from home, but I have searched for a job to work from home and they just don't seem legitimate or the pay is not there. Does anyone have any suggestions? HELP!!!!


Work from Home

I'm a SAHM of 3 who also watches a friends child during the day. I'd like to...