Illnesses & Symptoms: Toddler, Saline Drops

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5 answers

Constant Runny Nose and Cough!

My son is 16 months old and has been sick on and off for 2 months more on than off! He has had several ear infections and broncitis, he was better for a week now its started again runny nose and bad cough its like im fighting a never ending battle, he is in daycare. We take him to the doc every other week, and when i took him thursday they wouldnt give him any medicine said use humidifier and saline spray but its not helping and his cough is worse any ideas mom's?


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...


See all 252 articles
38 answers

Cold Medicine for 16 Month Old

Hi Moms! I need some personal advice on giving a 16 month old cold medicine. My daughter is very congestion and coughing like crazy. She kept us up all night last night becasue she was coughing and crying. We eventually brought her to bed with us and she still cried all night because she feels so terrible. To make matters worse, she coughs so hard that she keeps puking up her food, all over herself and whoever is feeding her. I want to give her some relief and have tried saline drops, suctioning with the battery operated suction,...


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15 answers

Infant with Allergy?

My 6 month old seems to have some kind of allergy from the weather. We went to trail of lights on sat, the wind was blowing and the weather was humid but not cold, and the next day her nose was very stuffy and she is sneezing w/watery eyes. My husband has allergies and his nose was bothering him on sun. also. She is still really stuffed up. Is there anything I can do for her? She just got over a sore throat and fever, also. What are the odds that she is sick AGAIN?!? She seems to be fine other than her nose....what do you think? I am...


See all 92 articles
9 answers

How to Treat Bronchitis with Viral-Induced Asthmatic or Asthmatic

Hey there, fellow parents! My 3.5 year-old son has viral-induced asthma - only exhibits asthma symptoms when he gets a cold/upper-respiratory infection/virus. He has gotten a cold and we are currently in the thick of things and, unfortunately, his pulmonary specialist is on vacation for 2 weeks. The only staff I have to turn to are the pulmonary nurse, which has at times contradicted some of our pulmonary specialist's orders in the past, or his primary care physician, who is not too knowledgable about viral-induced asthma, and has...

Bronchitis & Bronchiolitis

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23 answers

2 1/2 Month Old with Bronchiolitis

I'm not sure if I spelled it right, but we took my 2 month old to the doctor with a very bad cold and cough. He said she had bronchiolitis. Can anyone tell me what I can do to make my daughter a little more comfortable & if I should calm down & not be too worried. I've gotten a vaporizer and some saline drops for her nose. We just can't get her to cough up the "yucky" stuff. Actually we can't get it out before she swallows it again. Help... does anyone have any suggestions?


Sick 6 Month Old!

My poor 6 mo daughter has a nasty cold. I'm not sure where she got it from,...

Cold & Flu

See all 577 articles
30 answers

Cold, Runny Nose Advice

My 18 month old has her first cold. She has a runny nose, and drainage that made her gag and throw up a little last night. I could hear that she has a lot of drainage and was having trouble breathing through her nose. I have been SO very lucky that she has been a very healthy child. She just started in a Mother's Day Out program, so I am sure she'll begin to pick up more germs. Can anyone give me advice on alleviating cold symptoms and what to watch for, in terms of this moving to an ear infection? Should I use the humidifier? Vapor rub?...


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35 answers

Best Medicine for 6 Month Old

My 6 month old has a runny nose and a cough for the third time this year. The first and second time I took her to the pediatrician she told me to give her saline drops and let it run its course. A lot of old school moms are saying no, give her Benadryl or Castor oil. What is best?


10 Month Old Sick

My ten month old daughter has a cough, runny nose and very low grade fever...

Cough & Cold

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24 answers

Always Stuffy Nose

My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been having this stuffy nose problem for past 3-4 weeks or so. She's not sick and doing well, but her nose is always stuffy. Not runny or have cold symptoms, but I guess something must be bothering her nose. It's not stuffy 24 hours, but she usually has something in her nose that bothers her and sometimes it's hard for me to watch her being so bothered by her stuffy nose. She hates the saline spray, so when I try to use that on her, she panics and gets upset. And even when I do get that in her nose, it...


Help with Stuffy Nose

My 5 month old has had a stuffy nose for a little over a week now. Last Wed...


Ear Ache

See all 14 articles
22 answers

Is This Allergies?

My 4-year-old has always had "issues" that seem to be allergy-related, but never anything that seemed to fit the classic definition of allergies. Since the spring, though, she's been chronically congested. And I don't mean the runny slimy type of congestion, I mean like rocks in her nose. I started her on Claritin- I noticed a difference at first, but then it stopped being effective. At her check-up in August, I asked the doctor if she had allergies and he said yes, it was definitely allergies that was causing the congestion. He gave...


Sick Lil' Guy

My son has a pretty nasty cold. We had to walk out on his year pictures...



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14 answers

How to Brake a Fever

I have a one year old that has had a fever for 2 days,I have not been able to break it . She was at the hosptial today and she has a Upper respiratory infection. Her Fever has went from 99.1 to 101.4 when i checked her at 230am. any suggestion on how to break it and bring it down till i have to take her to her doc on monday cuz the office is closed on the weekend or i will take her back to the hosp.