Illnesses & Symptoms: Ergo

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21 answers

Migraines, Headaches, Facial Pain, Fatigue - UGH! Dr's Can't Find Anything Wrong

I'm sorry this is a bit long & I know this isn't a medical board but I'm hoping maybe someone will recongnize these symptoms? I've been having facial pain, migraines, either a runny nose or a stuffy nose, and fatigue on and off again for the past 13 years. I don't always have all the symptoms at the same time or to the same degree but the runny or stuffy nose seems to be a daily thing so does the fatigue. I went to the doctor for the fatigue and they did a blood test but it didn't reveal anything. About 7 years ago, my MD told me...

Aches & Pains

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24 answers

Ergo Carrier vs Beco

which of these is better? i like the beco due to the fact it is locally made..where the ergo is made in china. but the ergo seems to be enjoyed by more...ultimately which is better?


Ergo Baby Carriers

I'm looking to purchase a new baby carrier. I had the Baby Bjorn but didn't...


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5 answers

Plugged Duct Stress and Dehydration?

I just came home after being at my mothers for Christmas with a knot under my armpit and I was told that it was a plugged milk duct. Anyway it has gone down I was just wondering if it was because I carried my LO almost constantly in and out of an Ergo for pretty much the whole duration of my visit. In addition to being stranded in airports for hours on end with little to drink. The reason I carried my LO was that whenever anyone would come near her she would cry and scream for me. Just wondering if anyone else has had similar experience?


Refuses All Formula

8 mo. old baby girl allergic to soy and dairy (causes mild to moderate...