Groups & Lessons: Toddler, Puppets

Results 1-10 from 135 articles

Toys for 12 Month Old

K.N. asks from Minneapolis

I have been asked to make a Christmas list for my daughter who by the time Christmas comes along will be 12 months. I am looking for ideas ... maybe your child had a ...


Age Appropriate DVD for 15 Month Old

B.H. asks from Kansas City

Can I get some suggestions on DVD's that are appropriate for a 15 month old to watch. We will taking a trip this weekend and I wanted to get some DVD's that he can wa...


Flying with a 2 Year Old!

T.C. asks from Dallas

I am taking my 2 year old son on his first trip that will require a plane ride. I'm not really sure what to expect and I was hoping someone would have some advice. ...


Bored 14 Month Old -

M.M. asks from Fresno

Hi Moms, I am starting to think my daughter is getting bored during the day. What are some things I can do to help make the day better for her? Sadly there is one ...


18 Month Old Fights the Breathing Treatment

E.L. asks from Chicago

Ever since my sons first cold, he has been wheezing. Everytime he gets a cold it goes straight to his lungs. (We always seem to have a check up right when he gets a c...


Things to Do with a 7 Month Old.

M.P. asks from Provo

I"M SOOOO BORED!!!!! I feel like I'm not doing enough with my son, but there isn't a lot that I can think of doing. We play with toys, feed, change bums, go for walks...


Indoor Stuff to Do with a 2 Year Old

B.W. asks from Pittsburgh

It's getting colder now and I need some ideas of stuff to keep my 2 year old busy. She has play dough and markers but is getting bored with those. I would love some ...


Anything for 10 Month Old??

S.G. asks from Dallas

I have a 10 month old girl and can never find anything for us to do during the day other than the pool, park, and duckies! Any advice on where we could go? thanks!


Best Gift for 1 Year Old

J.N. asks from Portland

I am at a loss as to what would be the best first birthday gift for an active boy. He will be turning one and really does not have a favorite thing to do, he just lo...


Sports for My 12 Year Old Daughter

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Will someone be able to tell me where i can find a team that plays volley ball. My 12 year old daughter has been interested since last year and she has express a d...