For Both: Older Child, Melissa & Doug

Results 1-10 from 27 articles

Gift for 7 Year Old Boy

V.H. asks from St. Louis

My friend lives out of town and her son will be turning 7 in a few weeks. I want to send him something for his birthday but am at a total loss! Does anyone know of ...


My Daughter Turns 8 Years Old This Month. Need Some Creative Gift Suggestions?

P.M. asks from Provo

With Christmas just past and a daughter that seriously wants for everything but needs NOTHING what kinds of creative things can you get for an 8 year old girl? I k...


First Birthday Gift Ideas

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I have quite a few friends who have babies who will be turning 1 year old in the next few months. My baby (our first) is 6 months old, so I am not quite sure what an ...


Gift Suggestion for 2.5-Year-Old Boy

L.L. asks from Kansas City

I need some advice for gifts to buy my son. I always get sucked into the commercials of the "perfect" gift and then, he could care less about it. He just turned 2.5 a...


How Do I Help My 6 Year Old Remember Daily Tasks?

A.K. asks from Seattle

I have a six year old son who started kindergarten this year. I realize that there is a lot to remember in school, and that he is only six, but it seems that things a...


Toy Ideas for a Two Year Old

R.C. asks from Cincinnati

My son will be having his second birthday very soon and I am looking for some gift ideas for him. I'd like to replace some of his old toys with some great toddler to...


Birthday Present for Daughter Turning 6 Who Is All Things Horses

H.K. asks from Gainesville

We dont have a wad of cash to spend this year, or i would buy her a real miniature horse , but she just LOVES horses, are there any particular toys or toy sets out th...


8 Year Birthday Party

S.B. asks from Tampa

My daughter is turning 8 and i am having a party for her at the the park and i was wondering what kind iof games i can do for her. Any ideas would be great.


Need Suggestions for Gifts for One Year Old Twins

S.M. asks from Philadelphia

My twin girls are turning one soon. We are having a big party at the house. Many people are asking what would be a good gift to get the girls. I need suggestions on s...


Good Gifts for a 3 Year Old Boy?

C.G. asks from Los Angeles

i'm looking for some good, educational gift ideas for my son this year. he's 3 years old and loves cars, trucks, dinosaurs, sports and the like, but i'm hoping to exp...