First Aid: Toddler, Steroids

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54 answers

Allergy Testing for 13 Month Old

My 13 month old has severe excema on his head and face. At our last doctor visit (last week) my doctor suggested that we get him tested for allergies to see if that would help his excema. His excema is really bad and he constantly itches it and cuts himeself on his scalp. We are using a steroid right now and I would hate to continue to use it so that he is comfortable. So I am asking if anyone has had their toddler allergy tested and what does it entail? Was it painful? I am thinking it is a good idea because if it is an allergen we...


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14 answers

My Son Won't Take Medicine. Help!

He used to take it fine. In fact, he used to LOOOOVE the gross liquid vitamin. But the last 3 times I've tried to give him medicine (tylenol for a high fever twice, and now abx for an ear infection) he's been horrible. He gags so hard that he throws it up. I tried hiding it in yogurt (which he threw up) and pudding. I even tried chooclate milk (which I know you're techinically not supposed to do, but I was desperate). It's like he has some kind of sixth sense about it because it's not like I told him it was there. What kid doesn...


Asthma & Steroids

Hello, I am seeking advice from other Mom's that have experience with young...