Family Pets: Peg Perego

Results 1-10 from 26 articles

Finding the Right Double Stroller to Accomodate a Toddler and Infant

S.C. asks from Boca Raton

Hi Ladies! I am due to give birth to our second son within the next 2 weeks and our first son will be 2 on Oct. 19th. I have been researching double strollers for MON...


Need Help Choosing a Stroller

S.G. asks from Modesto

I have a 3 week old infant and I still have not chosen a stroller. I'm driving myself crazy trying to make this decision. A friend lent me her Peg Perego to try & pu...


Baby Gear Advice

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. I gave most of my baby gear away 6 months ago(after my 4th child). Now surprise...I am e...


Recommendation for a Good Stroller

H.A. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 6 year old son and am pregnant with my second child. I am clueless about what stroller to buy. For my first baby I had the Peg Prego Aria which was a great l...


Stroller Recommendations?

D.S. asks from Dallas

Can anyone recommend an attractive looking stroller? Not a travel system, but the next step up. I currently use on of those Snap & Go frames to hold the car seat bu...


Looking for Stroller

K. asks from Providence

I am expecting my first in July and wondering whoat other mom's suggest for stroller. There are so many option. I really don't like how big and bulky the greco's are ...



A.F. asks from New York

My question is what is a reasonable stroller for a toddler? My first carriage was a Chicco Travel System which is pretty good. It just takes up a lot of room (esp. in...


Stroller That Is Kind to My Body

J.S. asks from San Francisco

Happy New Year and thanks for reading my post. I am seeking resources and suggestions for a stroller that will be kind to my body and back as I use it. My young lad...


Toddler Stroller and Travel Bed?

A.J. asks from Nashville

Hi all, Two quick questions: 1. Any recommendations for a good, compact, comfy stroller for a 2 year old? We have a Chicco stroller which is very cumbersome and ...


Looking for the "Perfect" Stroller

S. asks from Houston

Hi ladies, I am in need of a new stroller but can't find anything that works for our family. I need a stroller that folds flat enough to fit behind the 3rd row of a...