Eating Habits & Schedule: Similac

Results 1-10 from 279 articles

Similac Vs. Enfamil

M.C. asks from Chicago

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she has a milk intolerance so we started giving her Similac Alimentum formula about a week ago....


Breastfeeding Baby Won't Take Bottle....

C.W. asks from Phoenix

i have a two month baby i've been breastfeeding but there are times when i want her to take a my huandsband can bond or so i can go out to do errands or jus...



S.E. asks from Orlando

My daughter is 5 weeks old. We have been breastfeeding from day one, and have not given her formula yet. She is a little peanut, and does not transfer enough milk fro...


Bottle Feeding

K.R. asks from Madison

My son is always hungry. He eats 5 ounces every three hours. He screams for it at two hours. I was wondering what formula i should choose to feed him? One that will f...


Breastfeeding and Formula

E.L. asks from Fayetteville

Hello, I am a first time mom. My son just turned 10 weeks yesterday. I have been strictly breastfeeding him for the past 10 weeks and I want to start giving him a bot...


Feeding, Sleeping and Schedule for Twins

J.B. asks from Columbus

We are proud parents of twins who are nine weeks old. The last week or two they have become more fussy and life has become a little more challenging. My request wou...


Breastfeeding and Formula

C.G. asks from Clarksville

I just had my daughter in February. She is a little over a month now and up until Friday, I was almost exclusively breastfeeding and pumping. There were times when I ...


Breastfeeding Aversion

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

Is it JUST me, or does the thought of breastfeeding turn anyone else's stomach? I mean, to each their own and I respect every woman's right to do what she feels is b...


Breastfeeding and Work

M.C. asks from Houston

I will be doing student teaching next semester and I'm wondering how this will work. I won't be able to pump at the school for obvious reasons unless I hide in a bath...


Breastfeeding Question

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

I have been breastfeeding my daughter exclusively for the past 5 1/2 months. I started back to work a little over a month ago and pump twice a day at work. I also h...