Eating Habits & Schedule: Myself, Playtex

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37 answers

Introduction Bottle Immediately with Breastfeeding

I have heard that you should not introduce a bottle to a breastfed baby until 4 weeks old, however I will be returning to work after 6 weeks. I also have Fibromyalgia and not getting any sleep for a the first weeks will make me ill, so my husband felt that I should pump at night before I go to bed and he will get up with our daughter... So she gets the breast during the day, and the bottle of my milk at night with him.. I have heard that some babies get nipple confusion and have others say... what are you talking about.... What does...


Breast to Bottle

My son will be 4 months old at the end of this month. I (with the help of...


Introducing a Bottle

My daughter is two weeks old and I am breastfeeding her. I am going to be...

Eating Loss of Interest

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20 answers

Breast to Bottle

Hi Everyone! I'm knew to mamapedia and so excited to be a part of it. My daughter is 8 months old and absolutely refuses to take a bottle. She has actually gone 8 hours without eating because I wasn't there to breastfeed!!! It could be formula, breast milk, or water, cold, hot or room just doesn't matter. We have tried 3 different brands of bottles, and multiple people trying to feed her. When she was little she would drink breast milk from a bottle and then around 5 1/2 months she started refusing the bottle. She...


Baby Refuses Bottle

I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to help my baby "like" the...


My Son Won't Nurse

My son is 9 weeks old and this past week, he stopped nursing. He will nurse...