Diets & Exercise: Preschooler, Saline Drops

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42 answers

Upper Respiratory Infection

I have a 7 month old daughter and a 3 year old daughter that are both sick. I'm more concerned about my baby because she can't take medicine like my 3 year old can. She is so stuffed up, can hardly breathe, stopped wanting to eat baby food, only will be nursed but not as often as usual, lost a little weight, only wants to be held by mom, not wanting to play, has a very bad cough, just lost her voice today, and doesn't want to sleep but when she does not for long. I keep cleaning her nose by using drops and then use a sucker to clean it out...


Toddler Cold Remedy

We are sick again! I think this is the 4th or 5th time this season! Argh,...


Low- Milk Supply

Hello! I am the new mother of a beautiful 12 day old baby girl. In the...