Diapers: Infant, BumGenius

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12 answers

Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

I use Bumgenius 4.0 diapers with my little guy. However, he has a diaper rash (I think because of teeth), and I was wondering if there was a diaper cream that will work with the cloth diapers. I know they say not to use cream on the instructions, but on some other sites it seems like there may be some creams that will wash out. Anyone with experience here???/

Cloth Diapers

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12 answers

Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

I use Bumgenius 4.0 diapers with my little guy. However, he has a diaper rash (I think because of teeth), and I was wondering if there was a diaper cream that will work with the cloth diapers. I know they say not to use cream on the instructions, but on some other sites it seems like there may be some creams that will wash out. Anyone with experience here???/

Diaper Leaks at Night

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26 answers

Laundering Prefolds and Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

I am using cloth diaper and I am very happy with how it is going thus far. My daughter is 3 weeks old and exclusively breast fed. I am using the prefolds and covers so far - and I can't get the yellow poop stains out without using bleach. I am worried about using something this harsh on fabric that is going right next to my baby's skin. Also, when she gets a little bigger, we were planning on switching to the bumgenius pocket diapers. The company recommends against using bleach on their products. So I am looking for other options on...

Disposable or Cloth

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14 answers

bumGenius And Other Cloth Diaper Options

I am interested in CDing my first baby, due in August. I have been thinking about the bumGenius one-size diapers but am not sure how many I will need for a typical day/night and what else I will need (inserts, cloth vs. disposable wipes, etc). Thanks in advance for your help!


Cloth Vs. Disposable

Hubby and I are expecting our first bundle of joy in March. I'm looking...