Dental: Toddler, Enfamil

Results 1-10 from 30 articles

Vitamins for a 15 Month Old

L.D. asks from Washington DC

Hello, My daughter eats mostly table food now. I try to feed her a nutritous diet but my mother in law recommended I also give her vitamins. Do other mother's give t...


How Much Milk Does a 14 Month Old Need? Please Help- Huge Debate in My Home!

L.W. asks from Boston

We have been trying to get my son to kick the bottle habit. He does not use a pacifier or anything else to soothe himself so we have been letting him have a bottle w...


Son Found to Have Low Haemoglobin at Ninth Month Visit to the Pediatrician

A.C. asks from San Diego

Hi, My son had his ninth month check-up this morning, and his haemoglobin was found to be 8.8 (normal is 11 and above). All his other developments are fine and he ...


6 Month Old in Negative 3% for Weight

K.T. asks from Dallas

It's a long story -- but when I was pregnant with my daughter, she started to decline in growth at around 30 weeks. At 39 weeks I was sent for an emergency c-section...


Help W/ Eczema on 6 Month

N.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 month old has had a rash in the creases of her arms and behind her knees for nearly 5 months now. The doctor said it's eczema and to just put lotion on it, but i...


Introducing Vitamins

A.V. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 6 months old and just starting solids. Because he is breastfed, our doctor suggested that we give him vitamins for added iron. We tried Enfamil drops, and t...


Newborn with Bad Gas, Possible Milk Intolerance?

K.F. asks from Cleveland

My daughter is 6 weeks old and I think she may have a milk allergy or intolerance but I'm not sure. She cries as though she is in pain throughout the day and when she...


Mothers of Toddlers

S.T. asks from Boston

Do you give your toddler a vitamin? If so why? and which one?


Question Regarding Supplemental Vitamins for Breastfed Infants

K.G. asks from Chicago

I am exclusively breastfeeding my 11 week old daughter and was told by her pediatrician that I should include a supplemental vitamin called Tri-Vi-Sol or Poly-Vi-Sol ...


Food Allergies, Picky Eater and Nutrition

M.W. asks from San Diego

My son is nearly 14 months old, 19.5 lbs, 28" tall and low on the growth curve. He is anaphylactic allergic to eggs, dairy, wheat, avocado and tomato. We have epi pen...