Breastfeeding Alternatives: Infant, Gerber

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33 answers

Baby with a Milk Allergy

I have an 8 month old with a milk allergy. He cannot have anything that contains milk or he gets really sick, vomits, rash, diarrhea and swelling. I am out of ideas for foods. He has started eating table foods and my creativity has left his menu pretty slim. So far he eats mixed veggies, oranges, tator tots and pretzels. Any advice on foods for him to gum up?

Cow's Milk

See all 366 articles
5 answers

Anyone Used the Gerber Cups with the LONG Handles?

Has anyone used the Gerber sippy cups that comes with the long handles? They are supposed to help transition a baby from bottle to cup. We are going to wean our little peanut off the bottle next month and I saw these sippy cups with the long handles. Did u replace all her bottles with this sippy cup? She already drinks water from a regular sippy cup. I'm not sure to start putting milk in that one, or replace the sippy cup with these long-handled ones...


Gerber Nuk Bottles

My daughter is using gerber nuk bottles. Does the hole need to face up...


Flying with an Infant

Hi. I havent flown w/an infant for some time, so I was wondering if u ladies...

Soy Milk

See all 812 articles
15 answers

Advise on Milk Allegy and Use of Soy Milk

My 14 month old daughter has had constant diarreah for over 3 weeks now and her pedi found microscopic amounts of blood intermingled in her poopies. We saw a GI specialist yesterday and he thinks it is a milk allergy and wants her on Soy Milk for 1 month then switch to Lactate Milk for a 2nd month, then if all clears up go back to Whole Cow's milk. He took some blood for testing. She started cows milk 2 months ago after being breastfeed for 12 months, and was completely weened at 13 months. Does this sound like a good course for...


Soy Milk ???

Can anyone tell me if there are any gluten free milk products? I can't tell...