Breast Milk Supply & Production: Child

Results 1-10 from 5,861 articles

Reduced Milk Production

A.M. asks from Houston

I am breastfeeding my 5 month old and over the past week my milk production has decreased by almost 50%. I have been sick with a sinus infection, but other than that...


Ideas to Increase Milk Production ...

M.S. asks from Kansas City

I just returned to work after 6 wonderful weeks with my son. I'm pumping on a regular basis while at work and breastfeeding when at home. (When pumping, I'm getting...


What Can I Do to Increase My Milk Production?

W.R. asks from Jacksonville

Help! I'm desperate! I have a 5 week old baby and overnight it seems my milk production has really slowed down. When I woke up in the middle of the night and again...


Suggestion for Increasing Milk Production

D.D. asks from Springfield

I am currently nurse my 7 month old and supplement with formula. I have noticed that my milk production decreases terribly during my menstrual cycle. I usually have...


Low Milk Production at Night

K.L. asks from Minneapolis

I have been breastfeeding my 6 week old daughter since day one. She sleeps a lot and tends to cluster feed in the evening/night. She had been really fussy at the brea...


A Boost in Breast Milk Production?

D.L. asks from Phoenix

I am a working mom with a 3 month old son. I am breast-feeding, but while at work I am also pumping. I have noticed that in the time since I've returned to work (ab...


Breast Milk Production

V.S. asks from Lima

I am a mom of a 2 year old daughter and a now 3 week old daughter. I am currently breastfeeding my infant and have noticed that my left breast is producing way more ...


Insufficient Milk Production

K.J. asks from Chicago

I have a 15 month old son and was not able to beastfeed him, as my body never produced more than about an ounce a day. Has anyone else had this happen? I have alway...


How Do I Increase My Milk Production?

J.H. asks from Phoenix

My son is 7 months old, and I work full time. I don't have a whole lot of time during the day to pump (sometimes I can squeeze it in during my lunch break). I breas...


Increasing Milk Production

B.M. asks from Seattle

Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone out there has some good advise on how to increase my milk production. I returned to work full-time a couple months ago, and ever si...