Bottles: Neocate

Bottles Accessories

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Transition from Bottle to Cup with Special Circumstances

Hi I know there have been several requests for ideas on how to transition a child from bottle to cup but looking for more suggestions from any moms with kids with allergies that need to stay on a hypo allergenic formula for nutritional needs. We use Neocate. My 21 month old has been on a bottle for formula since she was 8 months old. Before that she was breastfed (with me on multiple food restrictions) and bottle fed expressed milk and some formula. She is allergic to milk and soy (as well as some other foods) so she is on Neocate...


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10 answers

Bf'g, Food Allergies and Supplementing with Formula

Hi there. I have a 7.5 mos old who has numerous food allergies, and I am still BF'g - doing a lot of eliminating foods. I work, so my supply is not as much as I need it to be (and working on it with a LC) so I have to supplement with formula - only 1/2 to 1 bottle a day. She has a milk allergy and a CORN allergy - so all formulas I have tried she spits up - including Alimentum. I can't seem to find a formula without CORN. Help!