Behavior: Toddler, Simplicity

Results 1-10 from 21 articles

Do You Have Consequences at Home for School Behavior?

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

My son is having a rough time in kindergarten and I'm really disappointed in his behavior. It seems he is not following directions, being very silly, having a hard ti...


Would You Say Something to Friend About Concerns for Her Daughter?

M.R. asks from Kansas City

My neighbor/friend has a daughter the same age as mine. Her daughter wasn't talking a lot and my friend has expressed concerns to me. I just tried to reassure her t...


I've Been Told My 5 Year Old Daughter Needs Counseling

L.M. asks from Hartford

My daughter started kindergarten last fall. During both parent/teacher conferences I've been told to take her to go see a psychologist or counselor. She has terrible ...


New to Autism

N.B. asks from Austin

My daughter has recently been diagnosed by her pedia with a mild form of Autism. This does explain all of the developmental delays I have been experiencing with her. ...


Fight over Holiday Schedule

K.C. asks from Boise

Hi ladies, I am in need of your advise. I will try and not make so long. So as in previous posts, I am in a blended family. My husband has a daughter from previous ma...


Stupid Question - When Will You Stop Referring to Your Los Age in Months?

M.B. asks from New York

Maybe I just don't want to think...or maybe it is a sign that I am just way exhausted, but when I talk to someone and they say "my 30 something month old" I'm like w...


Follow up to Earlier Question: Teaching Gratitude

K.U. asks from Detroit

I had posted earlier about my 4 year old DD flipping out at the mall today over a toy - picking one out, then changing her mind, then wanting both, and me not giving ...


School Notes for Special Needs Kiddo!

B.W. asks from Kansas City

Hi Ladies! Ok this is only the second day of school but, I'm not sure what to do. My son is in Special Education and he is non verbal. The notes we get from the te...


Kindergarden Disipline Help

K.R. asks from Sherman

my kindergardener is showing much more defiance at school than she shows at home. Pre K went fine, but i have received numerous calls from the teacher and now today, ...


Teacher Wants to Do a Focus Chart... I Am a Bit Concerned..

L.O. asks from Detroit

as per the recent report card and teacher conferences.. my 3rd grade daughter is easily distractable and having a hard time focusing in class. The teacher came up wi...