Why Won't Hair Grow

Updated on January 10, 2009
H.M. asks from Argyle, TX
8 answers

I have had two children in three years and not sure if hormones could be a factor as to why my hair isn't growing. I am still taking prenatals to finish the bottle and will start taking a multivitamin, calcium and fiber supplement. I just had some blood work done to check thyroid function but it is ok. If it is hormones, who would be somebody good to see? I do color and straighten my hair and have for several years. My hair doesn't grow super fast anyway but it seems that it isn't growing at all. It is also brittle and more coarse. Anybody have this same issue?

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answers from Dallas on

I went through the same thing. About a year ago my hair started to grow, fast! The two changes that I made were; I started eating eggs every morning and using Garnier Frutis two in one shampoo and conditioner.
Good Luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Perhaps you could try Nioxin shampoo, scalp treatment and/or conditioner. It can be purchased at Ulta. They have several formulas which are explained on the bottles.

I have used it for years (I worked in a day spa for 10 years-it was recommended there) and I have very fine, often brittle hair -as I bleach & color it. It stimulates growth and strengthens existing hair follicle-much like a Rogaine product at a cheaper price.
Good Luck!

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answers from Dallas on

I agree with T F. I had a lot of hair fall out after having my little girl( i had two in 3 years as well). My hair is normally thick and wavy, but after so much hair came out, it became borderline thin and almost straight. I began taking biotin and 6 mos later, my hair is almost at it's pre pregnancy stage again. Of course, I have some feathers where the new hair is growing out around the temple but that will grow out soon enough. They only show when I wear my hair up anyway.
1000mcg of Biotin a day. It will make you pee a lot and increase your hair growth also meaning that you'll need to shave more often.

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answers from Dallas on

What tests did they run for your thyroid? If they just ran TSH, which is the only test that 95% of the docs run, then you still don't know whether or not it's your thyroid. They MUST also run Free T3, Free T4 and antibody tests: TPO and anti-thyroglobin AND do a sonogram of your thyroid before they rule out thyroid problems.

The best doc in the DFW area who will look at the whole picture and look at all your hormones is Margaret Christensen: www.christensencenter.com. She is the best - she was a top OB/GYN that had these same issues herself and took two years off to train as a functional medicine doctor. She has helped me alot and she will recommend natural approaches and always bio-identical hormones.

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answers from Dallas on

After my daughter was born, my hair got a little thinner (it is normally very thick, course and straight as a board) and my stylist told me to use Biotin.

I took that supplement for a while and my nails and hair were great.

My hair grows very fast now. Hopefully you will find the answer for your hair!

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answers from Dallas on

Yes Biotin is what I use and I'm a hairdresser.



answers from Dallas on

I had the same thing happen to me. I was also coloring (bleaching) my hair and I used the curling iron on it a lot. I could not understand it. My hair was not growing at all in length but I still had to color my roots. My hair was breaking off. The whole underneath of my hair ended up breaking off and it was only about an inch or two long. I had to just cut my hair short and start over. Not sure why it happen after my son was born and had not happen all the other years I colored my hair. My hair is not growing back and is much softer and healthier. I do not like my hair short but it was worth it in the long run. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

I have a friend that is an herbalist and has worked with people for over 20 years. She can help you find out what the problem might be. Call her and tell her J. Carden sent you and you can see her for no charge and if you want to buy products, she can show you how to get them at wholesale prices.
Her name is Carole Morris and she is at ###-###-####.She is in Arlington. Be sure to give her my name.
Hope this helps.
J. at www.discoverlimu.com/jcarden and Nature's Sunshine Products.

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