Seeking Solution to Holes in Shirts

Updated on September 23, 2012
M.W. asks from Belgrade, MT
23 answers

Hi fellow mommas,
This is strange, but I keep getting holes in my shirts right in the front (just above where my button is on my pants)and I can't figure out what is causing it. It is happening to all my shirts--fabric/style doesn't matter and it is only happening to MY shirts (no one else in the family has this occurring!) I don't launder my shirts with anything with zippers, etc., it's not catching on any buttons when I'm wearing them, and I checked all counter edges that I lean against while cooking and such for snags and found nothing! Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what is or might be causing this? It happens to even my new shirts and I usually only wear them 4 times or so before they get holes in them. Any ideas?? Thanks!

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answers from Denver on

Okay, this is hilarious!! You are so not alone!! Wish there was an answer here.... I like the "mom holes" idea, as I don't cook a lot and I don't wear a belt... I think it's just the fabric - what a crazy unsolved mystery! Thanks for posting it, at least we all know that we're not the only ones!



answers from Provo on

YES! my husband always makes fun of me for having holes in all my shirts. i am glad i'm not the only one.

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answers from Boise on

I'm not sure that I'm going to answer your question, but I find it hilarious that this seems to be a common problem....I used to think it was just me! (Not that I love the holes for ANY of us), but I love that I'm not alone on this one. I've chalked it up to what it looks like most have....the counters and my belt. Looks like I'm going to have to start remembering to wear an apron to cook. Good luck M.!



answers from Salt Lake City on

It happens to all of my shirts too! I think it is because it rubs on the top of our pants buttons when we do our daily stuff. It is the only thing that is right there that we press against. The only thing I have thought of (but have yet to do) is put a small iron on patch where it happens before it happens...

annoying I agree



answers from Denver on

Me too! In exactly the same place. I figured out what caused it when we moved to our new house. It has never happened again since we moved. The stove and counters in our new house is higher. I really think it was from cooking on our stove in our old house. The height was just right to have the gas burners close enough to my belly button to burn holes in my shirts. I always wear my shirts outside my pants, never wear a belt. That had to be it. Unless you are going to move, you just have to remember to always wear an apron EVERYTIME you cook. So hard to remember to do, but it will save your clothes.



answers from Fort Collins on

Well, it looks like a lot of us have this problem!! I, too, have these unexplained holes in my shirts and was wondering what to do about them! I have looked up a belt that I kept seeing in magazine ads that's supposed to be "invisible", but help alleviate the "gap" in the back of your jeans and keep the front flush with your tummy. I'm wondering if it would help this problem as well. I haven't ordered it yet, but I think I will try it. The website is



answers from Kansas City on

I really don't think it is the button on jeans, as I have been wearing strech pants with no button since I got pregnant, and now baby is 11 months and the holes are ruining everything I put on. Only shirts, not pants at all. I don't cook much, so doubtful of that, too. We use mass transit, so no seat belts. Only thing I can think of is cleaning products leaving a residue?? AAAAAUG!!!



answers from Phoenix on

I too, have this problem and was looking to see if anyone had an happens to my shirts the most...A few of my sons...none of my husbands...I now have over 10 shirts...same general area....please let me know if you get a response....Thanks :)



answers from Salt Lake City on

Mine do this, too. I think it's 'cuz I spend a lot of time at the counter, cooking and all that. It happens faster if there are snags, but eventually just always happens. I think it has to do with my height - that spot on my shirt hits the counter just right. I usually try to buy shirts that are made of a thicker quality, so it doesn't happen quite so fast.



answers from Denver on

Just thinking of anything it might be. Have you checked your seatbelt to see if it has something that rubs/snags on your shirts? Just a thought! Good luck solving this mystery! L.



answers from Denver on

Hi there!

This used to happen to me all of the time. I thought I was going crazy, it only happened to my shirts and was making me so mad to wear a shirt only a few times, then end up with 2 or 3 holes in the mid section! I figured out it was my belt. I had to find a belt that had a smooth tongue.

How funny that this happens to so many others! Hopefully you can figure out if it's your belt, jeans or something else!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I was just telling a friend how frustrated I am with the holes in my shirts! Almost every t-shirt I own has exactly what you are describing. The only thing I can figure out is that the thin material rubs against the button on the front of my pants. Either that or the clothing industry has figured out a way to manufacture flimsy shirts that develop holes quickly so we have to buy more!



answers from Provo on

happens to me too and drives me crazy. feel like i have no nice clothes becuase all my knit shirts have holes in them. I even have shirts that I NEVER wear without a tank under them (because the neck-line is too low for comfort on its own) that still got them before I'd worn the shurt more than 5 times. I'm chalked it up to a combination of the top of my jeans PLUS the underside of the counter. I tend to lean against the counter while I'm doing almost anything... washing my hands, prepping dinner, washing dishes. I think the roughness of the egde/underside of the counter is what causes them. Drives me absolutely bonkers. I'll have to try wearing an apron and try a smoothe buckled belt too to keep that little tab above my jeans button from poking out. =)



answers from Denver on


I have to laugh because the same exact thing has happened to all my shirts. For the longest time I thought there was a moth in my closest. But, why would a moth only eat right in that specific spot. So.. I can tell you the two conclusions that I came to. The first one is that I was buying cheap jeans and pants from the Gap Outlet. On the jeans, above the button, the jean would flap over. Whether I ironed it or not it would still do this. I think the button and the flap were rubbing on my shirts. The other thing (which I don't know if this is an issue for you) is being overweight. I hated coming to this conclusion but after having my baby I have not lost that "pouch" in the front. This makes my jeans now rub on my shirts. The only solution that I have some to is to (obviously lose weight) either buy better jeans or where a tank under my shirts so that the jeans rub on the tank instead of the shirt.
Hope this helps,



answers from Denver on

Hi M.,

This is hilarious. I'm glad I'm not alone. Apparently there are a lot of us. I just discovered holes in the shirt I wore to work today! I have no idea either why they appear (sorry no help) but I'm glad you asked because if someone does know, I'd like to know.




answers from Denver on

Hi M.,
Yep! It's no mystery, those are "mom holes"!!! I know, no one ever told me either when I was pregnant that this was part of being a mom....."mom holes".
Have a great day! :)



answers from Colorado Springs on

Hi M. ...

This is too weird ... it's happening to me, too! Sorry I'm not helping here, but when I read yours and went to see any solutions, I found that we have company! I'll put on a shirt to run to the grocery store or something only to find a hole (or holes) in the exact same place. I don't think it's jeans because I wear cotton shorts in the summer.




answers from Salt Lake City on

I had this for a while too, and I realized it was the cleaner I was using in my sink! It was weakening all the fabric on my shirts as I often got a little bit on my shirt while cleaning my sink! Hopefully you can solve your problem :)



answers from Denver on

Hi M.,

That happens to me to!!! So aggrevating, isn't it?! The only thing I can figure it might be is my jeans button and my countertops rubbing and weakening the fabric. I checked for rought edges too and there weren't any. Try wearing an apron when you're at the counter. Also, at the fabric store you can buy something called Fray Check. Put a tiny dab of that on the under side of the hole as soon as you notice it and it will keep it from getting larger. Wish I had a better solution!



answers from Denver on

Oh my gosh! This could be me writing the post! This exact thing happens to my shirts ALL the time. I'm wondering if it's the quality of my shirts. I buy from Gap a lot. I'll read the other responses to see if someone has a solution....



answers from Denver on

Do you wear a belt? The exact same thing happened to me and it took me forever to figure out that it was the belt I was wearing. I was getting small holes right at my waistline (I wear my shirts untucked). Once I stopped wearing a particular belt I stopped getting holes.



answers from Denver on

I am having the exact same problem! I can not figure out why this is happening to all of my clothes. The only possible thing I can think of is that perhaps when I sit the shirt gets caught against the corner of my jeans (where the button is) and the denim is just really rough on other fabrics. I have tried to be super aware of adjusting my shirts when I sit. Good luck...I'm glad you posted this because I thought I was losing my mind!



answers from Provo on

Sadly, it tends to happen with all jeans, and no matter your weight. Doesn't matter if I'm wearing expensive name brand jeans or just my regular levis, and it still happens now that I've lost all the extra from my baby, just likeit happened right after she was born, the place that jeans sit now tends to cause that little flap to life and rub the life out of shirts. Although ironically I'd still rather deal with that than with high waisted jeans! lol

A couple of things you can try that have made a difference for me-wearing a belt with a FLAT buckle keeps that little flap at the corner of the button hole down and prevents this (especially one with a bigger buckle), also using the belly band things that are made for maternity wear-even if they don't show under your regular shirt (if you're not a fan of the layered look), as long as they are over the button on your pants they will take the brunt of the wear and tear. You can also just layer with another t or cami underneath that you don't mind getting the holes.

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