Seeking Modeling Agency for My 4 Year Old Daughter

Updated on February 23, 2007
A.O. asks from Allen, TX
5 answers

Can anyone recommend a reputable child modeling agency for my 4 year old daughter? Since she was 1 1/2 years old, I have been told over and over again how beautiful she is -- and now her personality has really blossomed. Every 6 months I've been taking her to have a portrait done, and every time it's highly recommended to me to have her taken to a "professional" photographer. I would love to know of such an agency in the Frisco, Mckinney, Allen, Dallas areas. Thank you so much!

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So What Happened?

First, thank you all for your responses! I am looking into a few agencies, some that I found on my own and some that you had recommended. The first agency I'm going to is Excel - no money up front...just a iniital first interview. I just want to know if I'm crazy about this stuff, or if my daughter really has what it takes. So, wish us some luck, should that be in our stars!! And again, thank you for all your advice and suggestions.

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

There aren't as many modeling agents as talent agents that handle modeling. Try Core Talent, The Campbell Agency, and Kim Dawson Agency. They all represent kids. Just be aware that this is a profession, and not just something to do for fun. If you get an agent they will (and should) expect you to go an auditions and casting calls on their schedule. You rarely get much lead time. And don't waste your money on getting professional headshots before landing an agent because if they sign your daughter, the agent will want to help pick out wardrobe and the particular look and even which photographer to use for the real headshots. Just send in cute snapshots to submit and they'll call if they are interested. Just remember these places can get hundreds of submissions each week. It is NOT a poor reflection on you or your daughter if you don't get a call. It is a sheer luck and numbers game, especially at that age. I am an actress, and have an agent myself; feel free to email me if you have questions. I am happy to help someone so long as they are actively helping themselves also. Good luck.

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answers from Dallas on

My daughter is with The Clutts Agentcy in Dallas (she is only 2.5 years old now). I don't know if that was a pure luck that we got called back (my daughter is really pretty thoguh - my thoguhts and everybody elses's around). We have fun with them. All the other agencies mentioned above by this other moms are good Dallas agencies, I just thought I would give you one more worth sending the pictures over too. I got their attention by the second time I was sending pictures in (and it took them 6 weeks to return call!). So keep on hoping for a call back
and try resending pics every 2-3 months!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi A.,
I have a 21/2 year old son who is on a little hiatus right now from Kim Dawson Agency. He has been on several shoots and has been in the Aafes Catalog and Wal Mart flyers. I would recommend Kim Dawson Agency and Campbell Agency however these focus more in the downtown Dallas area but they have a really good clientelle base.


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answers from Dallas on

My son is with the Core Talent Agency (formerly Kiser Mathews) in the Dallas area ( The owner Teresa is nice and accessible. The represent children, but there is not often work for young children in this area.

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answers from Dallas on

I'm a professional photographer and I would love to put together a portfolio for her. My prices are very reasonable.
My website is under contruction right now, but will be up and running soon. Until then, I can e-mail you some of my work. I'm putting together a model portfolio next week so I have recent pictures to show. You can also pick up a issue of Essence magazine, one of my pictured is on pg. 49 for a article featuring the CEO of a spa in fortworth.

Have a great weekend, Hope to hear from you.

LMLD Photography is my personal website, I have a few pictures there.

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