Seeking Activity/class to Attend with 10 Month Old

Updated on February 02, 2008
M.R. asks from Saint Charles, MO
6 answers

Does anyone have any experience or suggestions for an activity or class that I can attend with my 10 month old girl on Saturdays or Sundays? We tried a beginning swimming class at the Y, but it was so cold in there we were both miserable! I've heard about "Mommy & Me" classes, but I sure can't find any information about them...

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answers from St. Louis on

I can highly recommend Gymboree Play & Music (31 Allen Avenue in Webster Groves, ###-###-####, I took my son there for parent/child classes starting when he was about six months old. Besides being good for his development, and our relationship together, it also gave me a great opportunity to meet, socialize with, and make friends with other moms.

We also like The Little Gym (several locations, see, although we don't have as much experience with them because we have not yet actually enrolled in any classes. Their classes go on a "semester" schedule. They have parent/child classes for the younger ones (under 3), and then the older kids (3 & older) are in class without a parent. They also have dance, karate, cheerleading, and sports skills classes for older kids. So far we have only done a (free) trial class and their recent (free) Halloween party and a few days of "summer camp".

Both my kids (son who is now 4.5 and daughter who is almost 2) LOVE both places.



answers from St. Louis on

I recommend Kindermusik. It's for babies/children ages 6 months and up, and my daughter and have loved it. It's offered at several locations as well. Good luck!



answers from St. Louis on

Call the Early Childhood Center in your area. (Parents as Teachers program- I use the one off of Clayton near 141---####-###-####) They offer free & fee classes for all ages. They have a gym time class is what we did in the winter time- real cheap. They have all kinds of play /climbing gym stuff in their auditorium. They offer a lot of music in motion, art/touching classes w/parents. My lil Gym is good too. When she turns 3 you can get her into dance/ballet!!! Good luck.



answers from St. Louis on

Parkway School District Early Childhood Center has great classes for Parents and children. These are open to even people outside of Parkway. Call and enjoy.



answers from Memphis on

I'm not sure where you live, but Little Gym and My Gym both have classes for babies with moms on Saturdays. Are you in a Parents as Teachers Programs-lots of times they have Mommy and Me workshops on Saturdays or in the evening (plus they're free!). Good Luck!


answers from St. Louis on

Hi, might look into something like Kindermusik. You can find a teacher in your area at These music and movement classes are for newborns to 7 yr-olds (and caregivers) and are split up into different age ranges or there is a class where you can bring one or more children of different ages. Music and movement activities stimulate development in every area of the brain: language, cognitive, emotional, physical, social. It is really a wonderful program. There are also home materials that include CDs, activity books, literature books, you can continue the fun at home! The classes are once a week for 30-45 minutes, depending on the class, and are 15 lessons in the Fall and Spring. Summer is also 30-45 minutes, depending on the class, and is usually 5 lessons, which are held once a week or everyday or every other day, etc. Just depends on the educator's schedule. ~L.

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