One or Two Naps?

Updated on January 29, 2008
N.L. asks from Reno, NV
30 answers

My daughter is 17 months old & we are toggling between one nap and two. She typically goes down for her morning nap between 10-11 & usually has a decent nap. The afternoon nap is becoming a joke. I still put her down for one but she only goes to sleep MAYBE 50% of the time & if she does fall asleep usually only for 30 minutes. I know that this is a common time for this problem but I'm having a hard time pushing her morning nap later & turning it into one nap. She acts tired & usually goes to sleep fairly easily in the a.m. Any suggestions?? Do I just need to step up and really keep her occupied for an extra hour or two to push that nap later or do I let her ease into it?

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So What Happened?

I wanted to extend a huge "Thank you!" to all of you who responded. All of your opinions and advice were very helpful & taken to heart. I still struggled with what to do after posting my question and tried putting my daughter down later for just a couple of days & it totally backfired. Then, Mommy finally got the guts to stand stong for a few days & now my daughter is doing MUCH better! She's taking one nap starting at about 12:30 & has napped for the past 4 days anywhere between 1 1/2 to 2/12 hours. It was clearly time for her to transition to the one nap. Thankfully, she's not getting up so darn early in the morning either!! Thanks, Mommies for the help!

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answers from Phoenix on

My son went back and forth, 1 nap one day 2 naps the next then back to one nap. It went on and on until I decided to make the decision for him :) I started adding 15 minutes at a time, so if 10:30 was a normal time for him, I would put him down at 10:45 for a few days, then 15 more mintes.. stretching it just a bit longer ever few days. After about a week we got down to one nap after lunch. Now he sleeps from 12:30 - 3 everyday, sometimes longer.

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answers from Flagstaff on

My kids always made the transition on their own. I think after a while her morning naps will get later and later. That has been my experience. The transition is always difficult though! Hang in there!



answers from Denver on

I would try to keep her up past her usual mornign nap and do an earlier lunch. Then do one afternoon nap. Eventually you can start pushing that nap time back until about 1pm. Good luck!

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answers from Washington DC on

wow, lucky you. my daughter was done with 2 naps by 9 months. sounds like you can try moving to 1 nap later in the day. i take my daughter out of the house to make sure she was worn out and ready for a nap. you may also have to move up her bedtime. if she has 1 two hour nap she may need between 11 and 13 hours of sleep at night. good luck!

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answers from Las Vegas on

You can try that or just keep her morning nap and movr bedtime a few minutes earlier if you notice she is cranky. People often thhink if u keep kids up later they will sleep-it is actually the opposite.I have a girl who is now 26 months and I dropped her morning nap at about 18 months and that nap took place at 9:30-10:30 am then she took her after noon nap at 1:30-3:30pm and I would wake her upby no later than 3:45pm. She goes to bed at 7:45-8pm. We use to put her to bed at 7:30pm, but as she got older and adjusted we moved it up just a few minutes-she usually sleeps until7-8pm the next morning. Not sure if it helped at all, but just some insight. L.

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answers from Phoenix on

That is about the time my daughter made the transition to one nap per day. It started out at about 11:45 and she slept for two hours then it gradually got pushed back a little at a time and now nap time is from about12:30 or 1:00 until 3:00. It is best for us so that she can have lunch at about 12 and relax a bit before getting into bed. I wouldn't keep her up until the desired time all at opnce......gradually increase the time you keep her up and she will do fine

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answers from Denver on

Mine's 21 mo. 17-19 mo is when she started going back and forth between 1 & 2 naps a day. After a while I just tried keeping her awake until a nap TIME, for us it's 1pm, and now she's on one a day for 'bout 2 hours.



answers from Denver on

If you can keep her up and happy until around 11, you might try an easy lunch (very early for you -- you might eat later) and let her take a nap after lunch. It took my son just a few days to adjust and then we could start pushing lunch back a bit. To me it sounds like she's ready for just one nap. The other option is just to let her morning nap be her only nap. I have a friend whose kids all took big morning naps and it worked well for them.



answers from Denver on

My feeling is: Your daughter will let you know. I have 4 kids and each one (except the twins) were different. They are 4, 2, and 1; we're still trying to figure out naps b'cuz they keep changing. But, they each do let us know by actions and such when they need nap. It does take adjusting your schedule once you figure out hers, but that's a life with children! It's proven true with each! Have fun.....



answers from Reno on

My almost 16 mo old takes one 2 hr nap in the afternoon right after lunch. He gave up his morning up a while ago. I don't see the need for 2 anymore. If your daughter still needs 2, try shorten the morning one so they'll be of equal time.



answers from Denver on

Hi N.!
Even if she isn't napping, I think it is great to have a little bit of "quiet" time. I, personally, would keep the afternoon nap and let her choose, if she naps for a 1/2 hour- great! if not, that's fine too. I am no expert, but that's just what I would do.
Good Luck finding the best solution for you and your daughter!



answers from Las Vegas on

My son is about to turn 2 here in April and if I remember right he has been on one nap a day since he was about 18 months old. I had started to keep him up a little bit longer in the mornings until about 11 or so then I would put him down for his nap. He normally sleeps till about 1 or 1:30. There are some days where he takes his naps starting at 10:30, that's if he is really tired. Do what you feel is right for your daughter. She will let you know one way or another if it is working for her.



answers from Phoenix on

This is about the time they switch from one to two naps. The book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth is my sleep bible for my kids. It helps you at each age from birth to 18years to know what kinds of sleep patterns your child should have and how to establish those patterns and how to help make transitions like the one your daughter is going through a lot more smooth. This book is amazing. I have an almost four year old and a 16 month old. They are both such happy kids when they are awake because they get enough sleep. Without the knowledge I gained and still gain as I go back and reread different parts of this book I wouldn't know how to help them get quality sleep so that we can all be a happier family.



answers from Denver on

The book healthy baby healthy sleep habits has a really great method for cutting out the morning nap. I'm trying to remember how we did it from that book. I think we slowly pushed the morning nap shorter, and upped the time of our baby's p.m. nap. It eventually evened out that she would take one nap at 1pm and sleep till 3:30.



answers from Albuquerque on

I started putting both of my kids down for one nap a day at 18 months, so it looks like your 17 month old is already ready for 1 nap a day. Enjoy your new free morning and get some stuff done, feed her lunch around 11:30 to 12 noon and then put her down around 1 pm or so. She'll probably sleep around 2 to 3 hours since she'll be more tired. Good luck!



answers from Denver on

She is letting you know she only needs one nap. Maybe now adjust it and keep her up in the morning, get her lunch then put her down for a good two hour nap early afternoon. It will take her a few days to adjust but if she isn't napping much at all in the afternoons she probably only needs one nap. Typically at 17 mos she doesn't need two naps anyway and you don't want her to sleep if she isn't that tired otherwise you will have problems at night.



answers from Phoenix on

If your sweetie needs two naps ,she will sleep--One suggestion is try taking the naps with her-at least the second one-You most likely need the rest too!!Enjoy "little" as much as you can,it is a truly incredible age!!



answers from Albuquerque on

I think it sounds like it's time just to have 1 nap after lunch time. So instead of putting her down between 10 & 11 wait and eat lunch around 11 and then put her down. It may take a week or so for her to get used to eating then napping but it will make your life easier and she wont be trying to get out of her second nap. Also if you have morning errands to run, run them early so she doesn't ruin her nap after lunch with a short car nap.



answers from Denver on

We are going through this too. Personally, I say if they are tired, then let them nap. Although at the same time maybe try to slowly stretch the nap time out in 15 minute increments every few days. But if your daughter turns cranky, fussy and tired early, then I would put her down. I think a 30 minute late afternoon nap are what these toddlers need until they fully transition. That is exactly what our son does too. Although it's not so convenient for us adults, it's what the kids seem to need.

You are doing a great job!



answers from Denver on

My Suggestion would be to drop the afternoon nap, unless you feel it's super needed on some days while you transition. Keep the morning nap but begin to push it out 15 minutes each day until it's at a time you feel is where you want it. My son dropped his morning nap and then started day care in the mornings and was absolutely ready for a nap when he got home.

Good luck



answers from Phoenix on

Just keep pushing it back by 15 mins at a time until you make it to a 12:00 or 1:00 nap time!



answers from Grand Junction on

When babies go from three naps to two, and when toddlers go through the change from two to one, there's always a period that seems frustrating and difficult. I will mean more effort on your part, but I would suggest keeping her awake until after lunch. Maybe do lunch around 11:30, then put her down. It might be a struggle for both of you, but you will both eventually get in the groove and it will become normal. My daughter was very similar at that stage. She's nearing 3 (in May) and I put her down by 1:00, just after lunch, and she typically takes a 2 1/2-3 hour nap. I would also encourage you to go to (or and purchase her book. She has the most wonderful and encouraging advice for sleep and children from birth through the Kindergarten years. It's the best I've ever read and it works.... it takes a lot of work, but it's worth it and it works it works it works! As children grow and go through different stages in their growth, their sleep patterns change and they can struggle with those changes. Best of luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I'm not sure if this would help... But my youngest son is 15 1/2 months and he takes one nap a day now when my 3 yr old does. He lays down around 11 or 12 and he will sleep for a good 2 hours. If he acts tired before his nap time I just try and keep him occupied. I think only taking one nap a day helps him sleep longer and better at night. Plus he usually goes to bed between 7 & 8 so I have some one on one time w/ my older son. I think you should try keeping her occupied a little longer each morning till she gets used to napping later. They usually adapt to changes pretty quickly :)



answers from Pueblo on

Totally normal transition. When you know she's tired for the first nap, maybe try edging it back 15 minutes the first couple of days, and then another 15 when that seems to work. It will gradually land about Noon and should last 2-3 hours. Skipping the ritual of the 2nd nap all together should help her transition more quickly too. Good luck! It took us a couple of weeks, but it happened.




answers from Tucson on

I read a really good sleep book called "Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Kim West. It says that most children shift to one nap around 18 months. She recommends pushing the morning nap a little later. It might be an adjustment period for awhile, but it sounds like your daughter's starting to give up that 2nd nap. Good luck!




answers from Phoenix on

Unless you have to change her schedule, it sounds like the one she's on works for her, and that she's outgrowing the afternoon nap. My daughter gave up her morning nap as she got older, but then wanted to sleep longer in the afternoon, which meant that I didn't get to go to bed until she was ready! I had to shorten her afternoon nap in order for her to be ready for bed at a decent hour. Since your daughter still likes that morning nap, and as long as it doesn't interfere with a good night time sleep schedule, I would let her nap when she's tired.



answers from Dallas on

Hi there, I sometimes have the same problem with my 19 month son. However, if he doesn't want to sleep I tell him it is rest time and how long I expect him to be quite. Much of the time that works, if he doesn't sleep I hear him talking to his animals. So cute. I don't know about you that his naps give me the time to take care of somethings around the house, study, or just rest myself.



answers from Pueblo on

Hi N.! Don't sweat it. Your daughter will very quickly go to one nap a day and push it to a later time on her own. As long as she is sleeping well at night let her nap when she is sleepy, though not late in the afternoon. I have three teenagers and so have some experience with the nap thing. You really don't have a problem. Be thankful she's still taking naps at 17 months. I had "the baby who never slept" for my first one!



answers from Denver on

My son switched to 1 nap around this age. I'd just skip the morning nap and put your daughter to bed noonish. You may be able to bump her bedtime earlier when you do this, we did. Then once she's used to one nap, you can push her nap a little later. I hated when my son took his naps at 12, it messed up our lunch outings :) Good luck, but you are right, it's time make her wait a little longer and just do one nap.




answers from Phoenix on

Start gradual. Put her to sleep around 11am and I assume she probably sleeps till close to 1pm. If that's the case, then just keep her up until bedtime and put her to bed earlier. I put my 20 month old to bed at 6:30 and she does great with that. Because it is dark so early, I would put her to bed even earlier if she seems like she needs it. Once you get that down, that gradually push the nap time back 15 minutes a day until it is about noon. My daughter naps from 12 - 1:30 and goes to bed at 6:30 every day. Good Luck

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