My Son Keeps Getting Sick

Updated on July 02, 2006
A.H. asks from Allen, TX
5 answers

My son has been attending day care 3 times a week for a month now. Towards the end of each week he has been getting sick. Runny nose, cough, congestion and slight fever. On top of this he is teething. He was never sick before. Is it the exposure to the day care that is causing him to get sick. Will he get use to this? The week before he got an ear infection and his doctor gave him antibiotics for 10 days, i thought that would be a big help, but sure enough he has been sick since thurdays.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long before his little body gets use to being around other kids?
Help we are all miserable.

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answers from Dallas on

We had a similar problem when my son began preschool. My pediatrician recommended a product called GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) and it worked almost immediately! GSE is a safe, pure and completely natural form of Vitamin C that works as a natural antibiotic. You put three drops of it in your childs' morning orange juice and shake or stir it up and it is virtually undetectable, as far as the taste. You can buy it at Whole Foods or at Central Market for around $13. The 4 ounce bottle has lasted me almost two years. You can also take it yourself (10 drops in juice for adults) whenever you begin to feel under the weather. This product has really been helpful for my family. I hope it will be of help to you, as well. Visit for more info. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

I had the same problem w/my son, that is why I decided to work from home and stay home w/my son cause he was always sick and I was missing so much work and It was really h*** o* me being a single mom and all.
I would love to meet you and maybe have a playdate.
My son is now 13 month and had to get tubes in his ears 2 wks ago because he had 8 ear infections in 4 months which is A LOT.
He also had RSV (RESPIRATORY SYNTICAL VIRUS) Which is highly contagious, he was on a breathing machine. He was sick ALL the time.
Thank goodness since I quit and started working from home 3 months ago my son has NOT gotten sick, not even the slightest.

Good Luck, If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.

Good Luck to you..

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answers from Dallas on

I had the same problem with my son when he started in Daycare. I suggest that you find a in home daycare for him. After I moved my son to a in home daycare, he stayed healthy most of the time, save the regular cold at the change of the season.



answers from Dallas on

I had the same problem, when my son started daycare at the age of 1. This went on for about a year, with a weekly visit to the doctor. I heard it all that he had allergies, cold, virus. Since it was his first time around soo many kids, he had to build up his immune system. I would take him to the park and let him be run around and play, basically being a boy. It has now been almost two years since he has gotten sick! Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

Is your son in a day care facility or a home day care?

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