Manna Bears

Updated on May 29, 2007
M.F. asks from Humble, TX
6 answers

Does anyone know where to buy these (Manna Bears) locally? They are made by mannatech

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answers from College Station on

I used those for my children and myself. I used to buy them from my aunt who is a distributor. As far as I know that is the only way and I cannot find them in any stores. (you can buy them online from distributors) There are a lot of gummy bears and such but the manna bears are the only ones I know of with the combination of what is in them.

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answers from Houston on

I buy them online, many websites offer free shipping for orders 100$ or more.
Good luck

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answers from Houston on

Call around to the health store. Maybe HEB can get it. Take it to the department manager or call.Good Luck

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answers from Houston on

My uncle he sells products for mannatech. Mannatech has associates all over the U.S. that sells these products. My uncle sometimes gives manna bears for my son and manna C for me for my sinuses. They work really well. But he lives in Kansas. If you want me too I can tell him that you are intrested in buying manna bears. Or you can even go to

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answers from Houston on

I have heard of those, I think you have to buy them online. I use a natural vitamin for my kids, and its online too! let me know if you need more help findung them or would like to try the ones I use.

A. : )

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answers from Portland on

You can get them directly at this link:

But it's true, there's no where to get them locally as in a store, just from distributors in the local area, if you want. Feel free to contact me if you would rather work with a person than with a website.

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