Low Breast Milk Supply - Norcross,GA

Updated on February 14, 2016
K.W. asks from Norcross, GA
17 answers

My son is in the nicu so i have to pump im trying to do whats best to help my son but i am only getting 1oz each time and thats all together from both sides. What can i do os use to help my milk supply? I pump every 3 hours

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answers from Las Vegas on

A friend of mine the other day told me that her doctor recommended that she take milk thistle supplement to increase her milk supply. Worked perfectly for her.

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answers from Minneapolis on

how often are you pumping, I make 1 oz per hour, total in the beginning. That is just a half an ounce on each side, I had to pump 20 minutes, I would have my second let down at 18 minutes, you should wait for a second let down before you stop pumping. It has taken a while but now I make 1 ounce per hour on each side, which is about 10oz more then mt daughter drinks at 11 weeks You don't specify how often you pump, but I suggest every 2 hrs during the day and no more then a 4 hour break at night till you get your supply up. Keep up the good work...it's not easy but so worth it and it will get easier over time

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Boise on

You don't say how old your son is, but 1 oz. may be normal at that age. To increase, take 3 fenugreek capsules 3 times a day. You can increase that if you need to until you are making enough. You can also talk to your doctor as there is a prescription that helps. You may want to look into contacting a lactation consultant too that can help.

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answers from Atlanta on

You are AWESOME! Keep a note to remind yourself that you are BRAVE and STRONG, that you and your baby are going to get through this and BE GREAT! Willpower and attitude work:)

Yes, do the blankets, both ways -- infants scent more as can see less and even scent-mark by rubbing cheeks on you and blankets. I used a sleep shirt I had worn to help sleep/calm, replacing every few days -- he knows your scent and this would comfort and "enfold" him again in your love:) Can you get a recording/video of his breathing, a picture to keep with you, and vice versa? Kangaroo Care, then pump onsite? Anything to help you both with natural sensory/hormonal response -- keep him calm/growing and you more calm/production...

"Prime your production" -- increase water to a gallon or more a day -- 1/2 for you, 1/2 for milk (keep a glass next to your pump to chug each time)... Increase your protein and keep your calories up to keep milk "strong" and keep your body fueled to "sprint" and make that milk:) Keep caffeine and any diuretics to minimal. Yes, heat to relax your muscles and ducts; massage milk down by stroking/squeezing breast from top/body to tip/flange as pumping; and use gravity by leaning forward as you pump.

Doing 1oz now is great! Increase your frequency to 2 hrs or even 90 min/each hour -- even at night, wake relaxed and better production:) Baby's stomach's the size of HIS fist -- little volume but great frequency. For mine (I pumped and nursed while working): 2 oz/90 min 0-2 mos, 3 oz/2 hrs at 2-3 mos, 4 oz/3 hrs at 3-4 mos, 5 oz/3 hrs at 4-5 mos, 6 oz/3 hrs at 5-6 mos, 7 oz/4 hrs at 6-7 mos, 8 oz/4 hrs at 8-12 mos.


answers from Sherman on

not all breast pumps are created equal, but women generaly only buy one so they don't realize this! i got a bunch of hand me down so i was able to compare and i found the medela harmony to be the eaiest hand pump.
also, if you are useing an electric, maybe you could try swithching to a hand pump, or vise-versa.
also, try laying hot towels on your breast and stimluating the nipples to get a let down.
how old is your son? if he was just born and in icu i would pump every two hours to get your supply going. thats how often mine fed as a new born. also, your milk may not be fullly in yet and you are still just pumping colosterum. which is every important for baby to get!
even if you have to give him formula now, keep pumping so you can breastfeed when you get him back!
good job mommy, your on the right tract, keep it up!


answers from Dallas on

After eating all of the recommended foods, drinking Mother's Milk Tea, fenugreek, and blessed thistle, I ended up having to start a prescription medicine called DOMPERIDONE. It is perfectly safe to take the entire duration of nursing and it literally doubled my milk supply within a matter of days. Feel free to personal message me if you want to talk about it. I do highly recommend it as it realllllly worked wonders for my daughter and I. :)



answers from Myrtle Beach on

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbals can be very helpful in helping milk production.

In Addition, make sure you are having enough water each day and taking a fenugreek supplement. This is available in both pill and tincture. I would recommend the tincture.

It tastes terrible but it is absorbed quickly in to the system.

Let me know if there is anything else I may help you with.

Acupuncture Works



answers from Los Angeles on

It can't be easy to see your sweet new baby in the NICU. That alone is enough stress to keep your milk supply down! A few months ago I had the worst cold of my life and I completely STOPPED lactating. This was not good! I rested, rested, rested, I ate tons of good foods (don't worry right now about losing baby weight, your body needs to know that there are enough calories to spare), I kept my boy next to my skin as much as possible, (this might be hard with your situation, but do it as much as you can), and I also took a supplement called "More Milk Plus", which was a little expensive, but it was completely herbs (no funky chemicals). It took a few days, but pretty soon I was back in business. I really, really recommend spending as much time with that baby against your skin as possible. That's the best way to stimulate those hormones to get 'your girls' producing. I also find when I am in a positive mood and I am relaxed, I totally pump more. Stay positive, take deep breaths, and touch that baby! Best of luck to you and hang in there.



answers from Hartford on

First of all, don't be discouraged. It is a misconception that all women pump ounces and ounces of breastmilk. For the first several months of my son's life, I could only pump 2oz at a time. I increased my milk supply by increasing my iron intake (oatmeal, molasses, peanutbutter and cutting out the tea) and nursing/pumping frequently (every 1-2 hours). They call this "power pumping" It often takes a couple days to a week to notice an increase. Fenugreek may help, but I had to take quite a lot (more than the normal recommended dosage) to see a difference. Kellymom.com has answers to almost all the breastfeeding questions I have ever had. Good Luck!

BTW - like the previous poster mentioned, I too could only pump 1 oz an hour for a while.


answers from San Diego on

If they aren't yet, have the hospital send you home a blanket he's been sleeping on. He needs one you've had too. My neice was 2mo premature and my SIL pumped for her. They'd switch out the blankets every so often so they'd have clean ones now and again. Having your baby's smell helps stimulate milk. You've already gotten some of the other things I was going to recommend by some of the other ladies so I won't repeat them. My SIL pumped round the clock..even at night. Once or twice she slept through and felt so guilty for it but in the end those once or twice was what her body needed to help. She had an emergency csection after a high risk pregnancy so she needed to heal too. Good luck and congratulations on your son! May his time in the NICU be short.



answers from Springfield on

Natural tea called Healthy Nursing Tea by secrets of tea will help you wonderfully...!!



answers from Kansas City on

have you talked to your doctor/pediatrician about it? Mine put me on medication to help increase blood flow. I also tried milk thistle--it seemed to help!


answers from Cleveland on

Here are a few things that can help...

drink lots of water
extra sleep

Stuff to eat:
Mother’s Milk Tea *can also help with gas & Colic in baby*

Otherwise keep pumping...



answers from Charleston on

how old is your son? I was only able to get that amount until my son was a few months old. I exclusively breastfed. Just keep it up. It is a supply and demand process. Pump every 2 hours right now.



answers from Springfield on

Keep nursing on demand and start Healthy Nursing Tea by secrets of tea...Its helpful and best natural solution...



answers from Atlanta on

I agree with the other posters. Kellymom.com is a great resource. You might also check out babycenter.com. they have a breastfeeding support group that is a very active board and always lots of good advice.


answers from Washington DC on

For me I used fenugreek.
You can get it at any health store.

I wish you all the best.
God bless.

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