Lost Weight During Pregnancy Friend of Mine Is Worried for Me

Updated on September 13, 2011
M.F. asks from Youngstown, OH
19 answers

So I am 16 weeks pregnant and I have lost 2lbs. Not that much. My friend and was saying maybe I am having a girl since I am 4 months with my fourth child and not showing at all. I said well I lost 2 lbs and walk everywhere so that's why. She starts grilling me and asking what my dr said about this,am I cramping,spotting? Well my doc didn't notice since I lost one pound at each visit and no to the other two questions. I was not even worried. I figured the "major" wieght loss was from all my walking and I have been eating super healthy and not after 8pm. I stopped drinking pop on a regular basis and basically just drink water. I was awfully nausous up until a week and a half ago so my appetite was limited. I did however eat 3 times a day,small meals but I was full when I stopped eating.
Is my friend overreacting? I was just glad to not have gained wieght in my first trimester like I always do. Now I am a little concerned. Should I be? I dont' go back to see my dr until the end of this month. If I lose more wieght should I bring it up?

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So What Happened?

Thanks ladies! I wasn't originally worried considering it's only 2lbs. Then my friend had me thinking...Am I just excited to not have gained? I still have about 20lbs left over to lose from my last pregnancy,my baby is 17.5 months soooo for my height I am overweight but to look at me you would never know I wieghed as much as I did,I carry it well...lol

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answers from Richmond on

I lost weight at the beginning of my pregnancy due to nauseau and getting healthier and it wasn't a problem. After the 1st trimester I started gainning weight on schedule.

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answers from Kansas City on

I am 7 months pregnant and have only gained 1 lb, my doctor isn't worried because the baby is healthy.

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answers from Houston on

Your friend is misinformed, for one, the girl thing is just a misconception. How you carry has nothing to do with the sex of the child. It is normal to lose weight the first few months, especially if you have had a lot of nausea.

I'm sure the Dr is charting your weight, but didn't mention the 2 lb weight loss because it is normal. I lost over 10 lbs with my first child in my first trimester, then gained 30 lbs once I was feeling better.

If you lose a lot of weight and are feeling weak from it, call your Dr.

Tell your friend her constant nagging and harassing is stressing you out and that if you have any concerns, you will discuss them with your Dr. not her. If someone grilled me like that, I wouldn't talk to them for a while until they learned to back off.

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answers from Boston on

I would guess that you're fine. There is no need to gain any weight at all during 1T (think about how small the embryo is - not big enough to be adding any weight). I typically lost 10-15 lbs in the first trimesters of all of my pregnancies and then gained 15-20 total, giving me a net gain of 4 - 8 lbs (don't be jealous I gain weight AFTER the kids are born each time). My kids were all healthy and between 7 and 9 lbs. I even had twins with an 8 lb net weight gain and they weighed just under 6 and 7 lbs a piece. I have met a lot of women who either lost weight and/or gained very little when pregnant. Your friend is NOT your OB. Don't let her alarm concern you in the least.

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answers from Chicago on

ok first off your doc is not concerned, secondly you should gain 20ish lbs during the process but no rules say when. My sister actually lost 20lbs during hers (she had it to lose) and the doctor was actually pleased with the loss it was better for the baby in the long run. So, as long as the doctor is not alarmed you are fine.

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answers from Omaha on

I didn't gain any extra weight with my daughter-just her weight because I had horrible morning sickness. I only gained about 30 pounds during my pregnancy with my son. My doctor said I could maintain my same level of exercise I did prior to being pregnant, so if you were always an athletic person or did lots of walking, you should be fine. If you begin to start cramping or notice spotting then ease off of the exercise while pregnant. Eating healthy and drinking lots of water can only benefit your child. You could always call your doctor or nurse and ask them about the weight loss, but I am guessing if they didn't mention it in your routine visits, it isn't a problem.
Hope this helps!

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Houston on

Im on my 16th week of my third pregnancy and Ive lost 5 lbs so far. My doc thinks this is fine and due to the fact that I work out every day anyway, and now i dont ever drink and watch what i eat to make sure its awesome for me. I walk alot too, and rollerblade and jog and you name it, its ok to do pregnant.

I think as long as you start to show a little this month you will be fine. Lots of women lose early in their pregnancies. keep up the good eating, don't force yourself to be more full. Thats never good, pregnant or not.

but never hesitiate to ask your doctor anything

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answers from Saginaw on

alot of people lose weight during the begning and unless your dehydrated, throwing up and not eating dont worry about it!

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answers from Atlanta on

Relax...she's overreacting. If you hadnt changed any habits and you lost weight you could be concerned but Pop and processed foods, etc hold weight on you. Drinking water will make almost anyone lose weight. Make sure your prenatal is absorbing!

Congratulations on your little one!


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answers from Kansas City on

Don't worry about it. When I had my third child my doctor told me that my final weight gain with baby #3 was -7lbs. That is right, by the end of my pregnancy I lost a total of 7lbs. I delivered a healthy 6lb 9oz. baby girl. I have no idea how I lost weight because I was pregnant during one of the hottest summers and I ate ice cream EVERY night. I'm sure you are fine! Congratulations!!!

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answers from Provo on

HAHA! I lost 30 lbs! I think 2 lbs you'll be fine. I lost it because I was sick from 7 weeks on and multiple times a day. But around 30 weeks is when I started to gain it back (sad day) but my son is a HEALTHY baby and toddler. Your doctor will realize your loosing weight if you lose anymore. But some isn't bad. It's when you purposefully lose weight is when you really need to worry. You'll gain that 2 lbs back real soon. No fear.

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answers from Missoula on

I wouldn't worry. I lost 10 lbs. between weeks 5 and 12 with my first, only gained 13 lbs. the entire pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy 9 lb. 3oz. baby. Keep eating healthy and exercising and you'll be doing great! Congrats on the pregnancy!

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answers from Des Moines on

It depends on where you started! If you started dangerously thin it's a problem, if you started with way more "reserves" than you need it could be a good thing

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answers from Cleveland on

I am currently expecting #6 and with my first I didn't gain till I was almost 7 mo. with all the others I lost weight at the beginning and started gaining around 5-6 mo. Currently I am 30 weeks and I have only about 4# over my prepregnacy weight... but I did gain back the 6# I lost too.

I do walk a lot and do a lot around the house, we do eat healthier then most, but I still like my icecream and a can of pop everyday... sorry but I do. My belly is growing & the ultra sounds show no issues... she is healthy just like all my others were. Don't worry! The baby will be fine!!!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I wouldn't worry unless you keep losing weight. Maybe you are just having a smaller baby. I didn't start showing until the end of my 6th month, but I am overweight anyhow.

Some weeks I didn't gain weight at all and now I have a healthy 2 1/2 year old daughter. Although she was only 5.14 lbs when she was born. Yes she was small but not too small. She did not have to be in the nicu or specialty nursery either.

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answers from Cincinnati on

unless you started off as underweight, or the baby is not growing you should be fine. alot of women loss a little weight during the first half of their pregnancy.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I was still in a size 6 and not showing at all at 18 weeks with my third. I think I was down 4lbs. Then for the next 3 appointments that were about 4 wks apart I gained 5-6 lb / appointment:). I really wouldn't be concerned.

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answers from Chicago on

As long as the baby is growing, and you are healthy, you should be fine. If you continue, they may ask for a growth ultrasound to make sure the baby is where he/she should be. I am 7 1/2 months and have not gained a single pound. My appetite disappears when I am pregnant. When I had triplets, I gained 8 pounds and that was mainly in the last month or so (delivered at 34 weeks). They were born very healthy and no problems except needing feeding tubes for a few days. I had my US last week and he is growing well and where he should be so my doc is not concerned about it. Just need to make sure you get the calcium for bones growth and protein for yourself. I do try to snack during the day if I can.

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