Looking for a New OBGYN

Updated on April 23, 2007
D.D. asks from Oxford, MI
5 answers

I am looking for a new OBGYN. The Doctor that I have used for the past 7 years is moving her practice. I live in the Oxford/Lake Orion area. If anyone can recommend a good OBGYN that would be great. I do have a preference of having a woman vs. a man.

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answers from Detroit on

I really like Dr. Carole Condevaux. She is a great doctor - listens and spends time with you and is down to earth.

I don't wait long for my appointments, the staff is very nice.

She is at the Beaumont Office Med. Building on Rochester Road north of Teinken and just south of Orion Rd. I live in Oxford and I take Orion Rd. which takes me about 15 min.
The office number is ###-###-####

Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

Hi D.,

I have a female OB/GYN and she is great. She came highly recommended from a friend. She never rushed me, takes her time, and seems genuinely concerned. Her name is Dr. Andrea Blake, located in Washington (26 mile just north of Van Dyke). Her hospital affiliation is Crittenton. Her number is ###-###-####. Link to her website: http://www.contemporaryobg.com

Good Luck in you search!



answers from Detroit on

I would HIGHLY reccommend Dr Vlachos. He is the BEST. I had him for the birth of my daughter, he was great. I can not find NOTHING to complain about him or his staff. I had a rough pregnacy and was in the office and calling all the time. I was set to be induced and they had to do an emergency C-sections do to the baby not liking the petosin (sp) he was right next to me while they preped me and held me and talked me throught everything. I am over weight also and he never made me feel uncomfortable ever. Let me know if you go see him and like him ( I know you will!!!) He is very caring and gentle!!!!!

Orion Obstetrics and Gynecology-Dr T Vlachos
Phone: ###-###-####
1455 S. Lapeer Rd Suite 208
Lake Orion, MI 48360
Category: OB GYN



answers from Detroit on

I'm not sure how convenient this is to your area, but my OB/GYN is Dr. Anthony Nehra. Their office is in Rochester, MI and the phone# ###-###-####. His nurse, Jennifer Myers actually does the pap. They are both wonderful.



answers from Detroit on

I would definitely agree with Sherry about Dr. Andrea Blake. She delivered my first son through Crintenton Hospital. She was very sweet and kind. If she is too far for you though I would recommend Dr. Zaiden. He is through St. Joseph Mercy and his office is in the plaza across from Burger King on M-24 in Lake Orion. There is also a female doctor whose name is Dr. P and I seen her for the majority of my pregnancy and she was great at calming my nerves about my pregnancy. (my son was breach and there was low amniotic fluid, so he was unable to turn around)The number is ###-###-####.

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