Lets Have a Little Fun!

Updated on February 16, 2007
D.M. asks from Brackenridge, PA
19 answers

I was online and looking at pregnancy topics when I came across some old wives tales of gender prediction. Some of them are silly, some of them make some sense, and some I don't even understand. So, I thought it would be neat if you guys could list some of them you may have heard or have been true for you or someone you know. According to a couple of the tests I am having a boy, so we will see on that.

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answers from Reading on

I did the needle and thread trick. You make an "ok" symbol and dip the needle and thread through the loop. If it goes in a circle it's a girl, side to side is a boy. You contunue to do it until the needle no longer moves. This will tell you how many children you will have and what gender. I was told this method ALSo can include miscarriages.
These were my results, 5 children, Girl, Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy

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answers from Dover on

I've been told that if you carry your weight mainly in your abdomen, it's a boy. If you gain everywhere, it's a girl. Also, old wives tales suggest that girls sap their mothers beauty while boys enhance it.

I had two boys, and just felt great about my appearance, until the last month when I felt I looked like a very ugly hippo.

Have fun with it though!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Philadelphia on

I agree about the heartbeat pace being faster for girls. With my daughter, her pulse was constantly in the 150s. Girls simply have a higher pulse...but it's not to say that a little boy can't have a higher pulse, too.

I do disagree with the thing about beauty - I was told over and over again that I looked wonderful, and not to mention, I felt SO sexy.

But I took the Chinese gender predictor twice at two different locations and came up with two different genders! It's not fair if the chart isn't the same!



answers from Washington DC on

Well both of my pregnancys were completely different. I carried my first one wide and she was a girl. I was VERY ill for the first 4 months and I craved a lot of sour things. Pickles and cheese dip was one. The second baby I wasn't ill, I carried like a basketball, I craved a lot of salty things and I thought for sure she would be a boy but she wasn't. The whole pregnancy even FELT different. The heartbeat thing could be accurate because both girls were always in the 150s. Have to wait for a boy to find out :)



answers from Philadelphia on

Its a 50 50 chance they have of being right. Did you have an ultrasound yet? I would prepare for what the ultrasound says but be ready for the opposite. Its possible they can be wrong. With my 1st child we knew the gender, with my 2nd we couldn't fidn out until latera nd with my 3rd we never knew. To me the gender isn't a big deal my main concern was if my child was healthy.



answers from Dover on

When I was pregnant with my fourth, an older woman walked up to me at the grocery store, poked my butt cheek and told that my rear end was huge so I was definitely having a girl. After fighting down my urge to deck her, I informed her that no, I was certain that I was having a boy. She insisted that the ultrasound was wrong that is was always right about these things. I told her that I had an amnio and she still insisted that she was right. I just looked at her and said "Listen, I just appreciate you pointing out that I have a fat a** but I am having a BOY!"
Anyway, the point of this post was to say that the big butt one means nothing. I had four boys and carried each one of them differently. But, some of the games are fun. Someone once told me that if at the end of your pregnancy you leak milk from the left breast it's a girl, the right breast and it's a boy, I did actually leak from the right with all ofthem so, maybe it was right.



answers from Scranton on

I was told one by one of my friends of one involving a necklace. If you hold a necklace by the clasp over a pregnant woman's palm and sit very still. If the necklace goes in a circle it is a girl, if it goes back and forth, it is a boy. It may be the other way around but either way. It was wrong for me so whatever. Fun anyway I guess

T. :)



answers from Washington DC on

I read this very scary and puzzling one when I was pregnant with my first. I knew he was a boy already (u/s). DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! Apparently, peeing in a jar of Drano is one fake non-effective method of sex-detection. As I recall, the mixture turned brown if it was going to be a girl, and brown if it was going to be a boy. Or maybe it was green vs. green. Anyway, I remember staring at this and wondering who first decided to go peeing in a jar of Drano anyway. It occurred to me that with all the splashing there could be some serious burns. Then I decided it must be an intelligence test, instead. ;-)

Remember, all these methods have a 50% chance of being right. And even a stopped clock is right twice a day. ;-)



answers from Philadelphia on

When I was pregnant with my boy, I had less morning sickness. With my girl, I was terribly ill and I didn't grow much body hair. I hardly ever had to shave through my whole pregnancy! I miss those days...anyway, they say that is due to extra estrogen in your system. I carried my boy wide, and my girl right up in the front. I think the best indicator is the body hair. If you find that you are shaving as much or more often than normal while pregnant, the baby is most likely a boy!

Good luck!



answers from Altoona on

I heard that if you're carrying a "basketball" it's a boy and if you're carrying a "tire" it's a girl. I carried a basketball and EVERYONE told me I was having a boy. I only had one ultrasound done. I didn't want to know the sex of the baby until Baby was born. To everyone's surprise - even the nurses in the hospital, I had a beautiful baby girl!



answers from Pittsburgh on

i used a chinese lunar calendar, it was right! i was also very sick. throwing up all the time, everyone told me that's because i was having a boy. and they were all right too!



answers from Lancaster on

At my mom's group this morning we talked about this...all the mom's with little girls craved sweets while they were pregnant. I was the only one with a boy but I craved meat, potatoes, eggs when I was pregnant. I know other moms of boys who say the same thing.
BTW- I was told by my ob/gyn and an ultrasound that I was having a girl...I KNEW I was having a boy...and I did.
And I did NOT feel (or look) sexy or beautiful while pregnant, AT ALL.



answers from Philadelphia on

Did you ever hear of the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar? It predicts the sex of your baby based on your age and month of conception. It seems to be correct for about 90% of people I talk to about it. Here is a website to check out:



answers from Erie on

When I was pregnant I tried a couple tests. I already knew I was having a boy but I decided to see how right some of these tests were. The needle on a string hit it right on. I read about 2 other ways you can tell your baby's gender. The first is what side of the bed you sleep on. If you sleep on the right side of your partner it's a girl, if you sleep on the left its a boy. I always slept on the left. The second was the foods you eat. If you eat real healthy (fruits mainly) then you are having a girl, if you ate poorly (chips and dip and the like) then you were having a boy. I was eating all kinds of junk (I was in college at the time). After several tests confirming head on that I was having a boy I figured I was definately destined to have one. I have found that the Chinese based tests work the best. Another cool thing is to ask young children, like toddlers and preschoolers, what you are going to have. They are amazing good at guessing. Most of the time they get it right. Its really cool.



answers from Philadelphia on

I disagree with the heart rate thing. All my boys (4) were in the high 150's and I am now pg with a girl and hers is always in the mid 140's.

I was never sick with my boys and with this one I was throwing up for the first 16 weeks and have had a horrendous gag reflex. I had the gag reflex with the boys but it was no where near as bad.

I have heard that with boys you crave more sweets and with girls anything but sweets. This is kind of true for me. I never craved sweets with my boys but it never bothered me to eat them. With this girl pregnancy, if I eat sweets I feel really sick, in the beginning of my pg, I would throw up but now I just feel horrible all day.

That is all I can think of at the moment.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi D.,
When I was pregnant, I heard about the pencil test. You put a needle with thread into an eraser on a pencil. Hold the thread with the pencil on it above your wrist (palm turned up). If it goes in circles, you are having a girl. If it goes from side to side, it means you are having a boy. I did this, the pencil test said that I would have a boy, it then stopped and then started again going in circles meaning that I would have a girl. It then stopped for good. It was true! I had a boy and then a girl a year and half later and then no more. It will predict what you are having and how many children. It proved right by me and everyone that I have tried it on. Try it! Even if it is not true for anyone, it is still alot of fun to do!



answers from Lancaster on

The one that worked for me was the heartbeat theory. If the heartbeat is high, its a girl, if its low, its a boy. When I first heard my babys heartbeat (which was 145), my sister told me "you're having a girl because the heartbeat is high. She was right!! For all her pregnancies she was able to predict what she was having by the heart beat. I have 3 boys also and their heartbeats were always lower than 130. This only works during mid pregnancy when the baby is not too big and not too small. It has also worked with alot of other people I know.
Try it!!!! Keep in touch!!!!!



answers from Harrisburg on

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was sure I was having a boy and so did everyone else. I was explaining to a woman that I felt like not pretty, and she said when we are having girls we tend to feel that way because we are reproducing another beautiful girl for this world. She also said that woman who are having boys feel sexy, and needed. She told me I was having a girl, and she was literally the only one who thought i was having a girl...she was right.

I just checked out the chinese calendar...I went to the month when my daughter was concieved, and the age i was, and it was right.



answers from Dover on

I was told that if you have alot of heartburn the baby would have alot of hair. and if no heartburn or little the baby wouldnt have any hair. this was true for me i had no heartburn and both my kids were bald! I was told another one too that was true for me.
If you have alot of morning sickness it was a girl and barely any to no morning sickness it was a boy . this was also true for me with my daughter i was sick all the time certain smells would make me sick. with my son i wasnt sick at all. i could eat anything i wanted and smell anything and never got sick.

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