Is It Okay for 2 Year Old to Sleep with Sippy Cup

Updated on September 03, 2006
M. asks from Osseo, MN
26 answers

I believe that we have created a bad habit in letting my little girl(2 year old) sleep with a sippy cup full of water...When I asked the doctor he said that it was fine...however now she won't go to bed without it. She is also showing signs of potty training readiness and I don't want to make it more difficult. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time!

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answers from Madison on

I think its perfectly fine. All of my kids go to sleep with a sippy/bottle. its not like she is going to be dragging her sippy to college with her.



answers from Milwaukee on

I would say if you think it's fine then let her but if it's bothering you (like it sounds like) then maybe have her take a last drink and tell her it will be in a certain place for her in the morning. It may just be a comfort issue like a nuk or stuffed animal is. When she starts potty training you will not want her to drink extra water. I'd maybe even eliminate it totally before bed until she's fully trained.



answers from Minneapolis on

My 2-year old goes to bed with a sippy cup which I feel is fine. He'll sometimes wake up at night but fall right back to sleep after taking a few sips of his water (that's always with him in bed) - so why not right? I'll fill his cup with ice and only a small amount of water so that the slow melting ice will be enough to sustain him through the night. Which I find that in the mornings, he's never finished drinking his cup. He's also shown signs of potty training readiness and thankfully he's been waking up with a dry diaper.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Do Not sweat this! I see no problem with letting her have water in a sippy cup at night. For one thing, she's still pretty little and if it's comforting to her-let her be comfy. I let my daughter have one with her until she was 5. She didn't hardly use it as she got bigger, but it just made her feel better to know it was there. I believe they outgrow things when they're ready, but if you make it a big deal, then it becomes a "big deal." Also, the doctor saw no trouble, right? Remember, they grow so fast that in a few years you'll wonder what the fuss was all about and be missing the times when she was still a baby you could fuss over.



answers from Minneapolis on

Hello my 2 year old also goes to bed with his sippy cup. We have started potty training where he goes to the potty when he gets up in the morning, right before nap tiem and when he gets up from nap time. So we are baby stepping for the potty you don't want to take away all the baby things from them right away. With my 2 year old he tells me now that he is the baby. So just take it one step at a time they are only little once. I don't know if I was of any help.



answers from Minneapolis on

Ok I'm almost embarrased to admidt this... My daugther first and only had a bottle w/water at bedtime up until right before her 3rd birthday. It was her only security item. She didn't sleep through the night because she would moan and ask for more and I would get up and get her more... Talk about spoiled. Her diaper would be so full sometimes I'd have to change it in the middle of the night. I catered to her. I will never do that ever again with my future children. My daughter was also a big juice/sippy cup drinker during the day and has has alot of dental problems now. I finally was frustrated and really getting frustrated with the potty training and just took it away and it took 2or3 hard nights of just saying no no no... But eventually she stopped asking for it. Which is good cause she's 5 now and I would be even more embarrased if she still had a bottle. You just take it away... I will say atleast you have just water that is so smart.



answers from Minneapolis on

my kids are 3 and 5 and from my experience i would try to slowly get her off it. we don't let our kids drink anything before bed anymore because it lead to bed wetting. so if she is showing potty training signs, i would start getting her to bed without it:) good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

Dont feel bad...i did the same thing with my daughter and it was to wein her off of my breast but instead she ALWAYS had to have a sippy cup...not just at bedtime. So i slowly started weining her off of it by giving her drinks in "big girl" cups...i would say that too as i gave it to her. So she'd be fime during the day but come night night time and she still wanted her sippy cup...a baba as she called it. It was like her security blanket. I just told her that she was a big girl now and that it was time to go to bed without the baba. I gave her a bottle(16 oz) of aquafina..that way if she woke up in the night she had her water next to her incase she got thirsty. Shes more sippies at might take a day or two of frusteration but hang in there...they soon forget about the sippy cup!! :)



answers from Minneapolis on

No. It's not good. Let him cry if he needs to but he must get over this habit. Any habit you allow to happen PAST 11 months old, will be hard to break. Do you sleep with a glass of water in your hand?

You will break this habit in 3 days if you stay firm on him NOT having one. Make sure they are out of sight at least one hour before bed.

Good Luck! You can do it!

J. ;-)



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi M.,
We had our twins sleeping with water in their cups for about 2 months--right around the 2 year mark. We decided that we would tell them that the cups needed to stay in the bathroom. They were ok with that since they knew where to find them if they needed a drink. Our motivation for taking them away was also to potty train. Good luck!



answers from Milwaukee on

i have done it with all three of my boys and had no trouble. after awhile it is just there incase and they don't really drink much until they wake up in morning. besides it's great for those middle of the nights where they call for water, but it's already there and no waking mommy!



answers from Minneapolis on

As long as it is only water, it won't hurt her teeth. maybe try getting her to trade it for a soft stuffed animal to sleep with instead. Take her shopping to pick out one that she thinks would be a great friend to sleep with.



answers from Milwaukee on

I have a 9 yr old daughter that did that and she potty trained and was fine. I also have twin boys that will be 5 the end of Nov. and they do it also. Don't be worried about what others say is right or wrong to do. When they are ready they won't need to take the cup to bed. Afterall I go to sleep with something to drink. LOL



answers from Minneapolis on

I have a 22 month old son who slept with a sippy cup until just recently. We also told him that the cup couldn't leave the bathroom. He accepted it after just 1 tough night. Now we remind him to take as much as he needs to drink and then put it on the counter. It has become part of the bedtime routine and he doesn't seem troubled about it at all anymore.



answers from Minneapolis on

My daughter slept with a sippy cup until she was about 3 1/2. There is nothing wrong with it, especially if it is full of water. Concerning your potty training readiness, start putting less water in the cup, half a cup is just as good as a full cup, she isn't going to notice a difference if it is gradual. Give her a regular cup during the day, especially at meals, and wean her off of it, then that issue is gone. If you don't push your daughter to potty train it wont be all that difficult, I waited until my daughter said potty mommy, and the only accidents we had were in the winter when she had snow pants on. There was never enough time to get the snow pants and the regular pants off...

Good Luck M.!!!



answers from Milwaukee on

My opinion on this is that it is ok. All children develop some sort of bedtime routine or "habit". It might be a special blanket, or a certain book being read- mine is 14 months old and we're still weaning her off of that pacifier at bedtime.
I would say "not okay" if your daughter was taking juice in a sippy to bed- but water wont hurt her teeth or bother anything.

Let her have her sippy until she's ready to give it up.




answers from Minneapolis on

Hello, I also have a 2 1/2 year old only I have a son. He also sleeps with a sippy cup. At some points he goes through 2 -3 cups during a night. We recently started potty training and his cup usuage has decrease tremendously. I am actually shocked. He used to have 2 cups just to fall asleep. Now he takes a few drinks before he is out like a baby. Im not saying that it has anything to do with the potty training but Maybe in time it will just get better. I dont think there is anything wrong with the sippy cup unless its in their mouth dripping all night. Which in my sons case is not so. He does not touch it but for maybe 5-10 minutes at a time. SO I dont know if I offered you any help..but maybe just the satisfaction that someone else is out there with the same issues. I have high hopes that it will just all fall into place. Good Luck




answers from Milwaukee on

My now 3 yo has always wanted something to drink at night, always, so at 15 mos we stopped the bottle of water and went to the sippy of water and still til this day she has one, she will not go to bed without it and sometimes she drinks 3 or 4 a night, even before bed. She also drinks like a fish during the day. I have taken the sippy away for a short time when we potty trained and she then started to put her fingers in her mouth, she was in loss of oral stimulation, she now has the sippy back because we are potty trained. I think all kids need that oral stimulation, you child may have a nuk at night instead, which would be worse, a nuk all the time at 3 or a sippy at night. I dont think my DD will be potty trained at night until she is over 4, but does it matter??? Nope. I would suggest if you are going to potty train during the day, to give a cup with a small amt at the table, this way baby doesnt want to sit at table to drink as there are way too many fun things going on and less in take of fluids, this until you get her trained and tehn you can do the sippy again if you want

Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

we did that with my oldest and in the end we ended up taking it away. cold turkey, and just being more stubborn than him. making sure there was a bedtime routine was VERY important with him. so he took a bath, brushed his teeth, read stories, hugs and kisses then lights out..everynight.good luck!



answers from Milwaukee on

Medically, I'm sure it is fine, but as you said it's a bad habit. No bad habits are easily broken so I think it's best to stop it now before she's too old and it becomes more and more difficult. I know it will be atough couple of nights when she doesn't have the cup, but she WILL fall asleep eventually.



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi M.,
boy do we have a lot in common! My 3 1/2 yr old still sleeps with one. But good news, she is completely potty trained and no accidets. The sippy cut is a comfort item like a blanky or a nuk. So let her have it or you will be up all night. Just try this, dont fill it. Just give her a little water in the cup, and she will be fine. We had no problems potty training our daughter and I am sure you wont either. My daughter doesnt even drink most of the water, just a few sips before falling asleep. I am sure yours will do the same. L.



answers from Minneapolis on

My daughter id 15 months old and we do the same thing and I am wondering about leaving it in the crib once potty training starts. I know I won't be able to because she has a 10lb diaper in the morning so will have to take the cup away soon.




answers from Minneapolis on

It is ok my boys always went to bed with a sippy cup of water just don't fill it all the way full and do it less and less at some time. My boys by the time they were around 4 stopped wanting it I figured it was just water so don't worry about. They pottied trained around 4 also which was hard but I think if you make sure she goes to the bathroom before she goes to bed you will be good also for awhile my husband and I would wake them up to go to the bathroom right before we went to bed so that you could last longer at night.



answers from Minneapolis on

As long as it is just water, I don't think it will cause a problem. My 2 year old son drinks a lot before bed, and sometimes his diapers are leaking in the morning because of it, so I don't let him bring it to bed. I always tell him before we go to bed, we need to put "baba" (his name for his sippy cup) night night, and he opens up the fridge and puts it away by himself and says "night night baba!". He has learned that as part of his bedtime routine now. I don't know how your daughter feels about going to bed, but my son gets excited and loves it because it is a time to cuddle with Mommy, so I tell him he can't go night night until baba goes night night. Once in a while he doesn't want to do it, but usually that helps a lot. I just tell him that baba has to sleep in the fridge, that is it's bed.



answers from Minneapolis on

I think it's totally o.k, but if it's your wish to potty train at night too, then she has to have control at night. Many babies this age don't wake up when they have accidents. Some of my mom friends have 4 year olds that still wear pull-ups at night. My 2 1/2 year old does, but is in underwear during the day and she knows the difference. I've been giving her a sippy at night since I weaned her and she never forgets it when it comes to the bedtime routine. I'm not afraid of her wanting it. I feel it's more important to offer her the water she needs than to make sure she stays dry at night. You could hold off on the potty training at night for a while, until she has more control of holding it at night, or is less dependant on the sippy. Don't worry,...she won't be going to college with a sippy or a diaper. Take your time and don't feel pressured.



answers from Sheboygan on

hi my 3 year old also took cups to bed. he wouldnt go to sleep without it. when it came to potty training i had big time problems with him going way to much at nite and peeing his pullup so bad he would leak. i now tell him he gets half a cup of what ever he wants bout 1/2 hour before bed. then right before bed he needs to go potty. i have found this works. he still gets up once or twice for somefin to drink i just lead him back to bed and say nope you can have somefin in the morning. and he then goes back to bed. i hope this helped

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