Infection? Need Answers!

Updated on April 29, 2008
S.L. asks from Holdenville, OK
26 answers

Okay hee it is. I have not been sexually active now for almost three years, had one yeast infection Bacterial Vaginitus)about the time I left my ex husband. I am having stinking issues: Dr. says nothing is wrong, however I am stinky after only an hour after shower, no discharge or icthiness. I don't want to go back to the Dr. when I know I'm not active but this is seriously bothering me. Any help or sugestions oout there?

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Wow you women are amazing!!!! I am so glad I was invited to this site!!! I am gonna try all of the above, I'll write back in a few days to tell you ladies the results.

Thanks again,


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answers from Montgomery on

Ever heard of Norforms? They are vaginal deoderant suppositories that WORK! You can get them at Walmart, drugstores, Target, grocery stores, just about anywhere. Try them. You'll like them!

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answers from Tulsa on

I would use some Acidophilis, its a supplement. The brand that I recommend is called Primadopholis. it can found a Aknis or Whole Foods in the refridgerated section

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answers from Huntsville on

Have your doctor check you Giardinella vaginalis -- which will make you smell like dead fish. You don't have to be sexually active to get it. Same goes for Trichomonas.... He can do a wet prep from your discharge.

Yeast creams will not cure either.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Hi S.,

If you have ever taken an antibiotic, they kill the bad bacteria in our gut but they also kill the good bacteria and thereby allowing pathegens to take over your gut which causes infection and the foul smell. You have to get those good bacteria back in your gut and it can take a while for them to re-establish and kill off the bad guys. You do this by taking a good quality probiotic that you get from a health food store - actually it's cheaper to order online. You can also eat yogurt that contain the good bacteria - just be sure it's plain yogurt, with the full fat - thus less sugar.

Also remember, these pathogens feed on sugar and high carb foods so try to eliminate sugar from your diet as well as yeast products such as bread. Stick to meat and lots of veggies (other than potatoes and corn).

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answers from Tuscaloosa on

Hi S.,

Sweat can be a factor in causing odor. Synthetic underwear, pantyhose, tights, and Spandex exercise clothes do not allow air to circulate around the vulva (the outer lips of the vagina). A moist, sweaty environment promotes overgrowths of normal skin bacteria that could cause vaginal odor.

Some basic steps to prevent run-of-the-mill vaginal odor caused by overgrowths of normal skin bacteria are to:

* Wash your vulva with warm water and unscented, gentle soap with mild antibacterial action.
* Wear underwear and exercise clothes made from materials that "breathe," such as cotton.
* Wear loose pajama bottoms or a night gown -- or nothing at all -- to let your vulva "breathe."

* ABOVE ALL......DON'T DOUCHE, AND NO SPRAYS. The labia (vaginal lips) and vagina are mucous membranes and can easily be irritated by antiperspirant, or any harsh cosmetic. If deemed necessary, douching should be done only under the direction of a health care provider.

Vaginal odor could also be caused by excessive sweating (known as hyperhidrosis) in your vaginal area because a sweaty environment allows bacteria to proliferate.

It may be helpful for you to avoid conditions of excess heat, and stay clear of diets that are too high in sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, because all of these may also contribute to your problem of vaginal sweating.

You may have the best luck speaking with your health care provider about the underlying causes of the excessive perspiration, if that is the case. They will prescribe a product that could provide you with more relief.

Home vaginal pH tests show good agreement with a doctor's diagnosis. However, just because you find changes in your vaginal pH, doesn't always mean that you have a vaginal infection. pH changes also do not help or differentiate one type of infection from another. Your doctor diagnoses a vaginal infection by using a combination of pH, microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge, amine odor, culture, wet preparation, and Gram stain.

A positive test (elevated pH) could occur for other reasons. If you detect elevated pH, you should see your doctor for further testing and treatment. There are no over-the-counter medications for treatment of an elevated vaginal pH.

You may have an infection that does not show up in these tests. If you have no symptoms, your negative test could suggest the possibility of chemical, allergic, or other noninfectious irritation of the vagina. Or, a negative test could indicate the possibility of a yeast infection. You should see your doctor if you find changes in your vaginal pH or if you continue to have symptoms.

When all is said and done, if this continues, try another doctor. I would. You still may need to have a culture specimen of the cervix done. If there is any type of bacterial infection, it will be detected. If there is no infection, the physician should still be able to treat your condition.

Let us know, and good luck!

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answers from Tulsa on

Hi S. L,

I too had lots of infections up until about 5 years ago. My new (and much older) GYN said I had "Bacterial Vaginitus". He put me on an antibiotic for about 10 day's and it cleared up. No other Doctor that I saw could get the results he did. I've never had one since! I'm sorry but I do not remember the name of it! He has since retired but when I go back to see my new GYN (who I do not know as yet) I will try to find out the name of the medication for you. Keepin touch with me, okay? My email address is luck though. Hope you find a cure before then as it is not fun!!

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answers from Birmingham on

Possible causes might be vitamins or a medicine that you are taking. They can sometimes cause a stronger smell in urine. If it isn't one of these things I would go to another dr. and get a 2nd opinion. Get blood work done to see if you have any deficiencies or an excess amount of something in your system.

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answers from Monroe on

Sounds like you have a fungal problem. Cut out sugars, starches, breads, white potatoes, flour, rice, sugary fruits. Eat lean grilled or baked meat and fresh green vegetables raw or lightly steamed. Drink pleanty of filtered water. Get you some natural antifungals like Seagate's olive leaf extract or North American Herb & Spice oil of oregano. In two weeks, you should see an improvement.

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answers from Huntsville on

From experience with other people in your situation here are some things to check for:
Sometimes certain foods can have that effect.
I know this is gross, but make sure (if you use a tampon) that all tampons have been removed.
I know of a person who left one in and had the same symptoms.
You probably have already done this, but start using a douche on a regular basis until things get better.
Make sure you wear cotton underware.
I hope this is helpful.

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answers from Little Rock on

I would highly recommend getting a Brazilian Wax. I have always felt that I had vaginal odor. I too was told that there was nothing wrong. After I received my first Brazilian Wax the odor was completely gone. Our pubic hair holds so much odor, so it made since. It's not as painful as you would think, but it does get less painful each time you have one.

If you feel it is something medically, stay away from the use of sprays, powders, etc. They are very toxic. Your body is its own cleaning system, so there is no need for douching either. I would recommend Acidophilis. Whenever you take antibiotics, it not only kills the bad bacteria but it also kills the good bacteria. Acidophilis is good bacteria. We need the good bacteria to keep the candida from invading our bodies and causing infections. Acidophilis can be found in yogurt, and many other foods now. It can also be purchased in pill form. You can find it in the refrigerator section at your local health food store and limit the amount of sugar and alcohol in your diet.

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answers from Birmingham on

I had a similar problem before and I'm embarrased to say that I had a tampon in and accitdentaly put another on in on top of it. So the first one was stuck inside of me for a couple of weeks before I finally gave up douching and went to the doctor. He knew what it was immediately. May not be your problem but I never again let my hubby have sneak up sex during the night when I was half out of it. He didn't know I had the tampon in and in the rush of the next morning I just stuck one in after my shower. There was no longer a dangling string so I just assumed it had taken it out and forgotten about it. As a mother of 2 in diapers at the time, I could have left the house without all my clothes on and it would NOT have been suprising to people who knew me then. good luck if this is not the problem.

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answers from Texarkana on

If there is no medical reason, it could very well be your diet that is causing the problem. Are you able to eat yogurt? It helps us with the good bacteria that many things including personal grooming habits destroy. For instance, if you douche too much, it can destroy the good bacteria. You could also try some personal hygiene wipes while you are working on this problem.
Hope this helps, S.

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answers from Decatur on

Since someone brought up the toy thing. There is a cleaner called Before and After. You can get it at the "toy" stores. It is the same stuff that they disiffect things in the hospitals. It does not crack your toy like achol can or leave a film like soap will. You could also get it from a slumber parties distibutor or online.


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answers from Dothan on

Try some herbal remedies. Garlique (garlic tablets) worked for me.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

hi S.,
i had a similur problem n found it was due to using my toys. so make sure if u do use them wash them very well after each use.dr had me try nystatin n triamcinolone cream also turned out i had a outer skin yeast infection was not inturnal so is a good thing to double check with a obgyn n have them look for such as my reg dr did not find anything wrong. good luck hun let me know if it helps. J. c

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answers from Baton Rouge on

Hey i have had that problem in the pass and being a nurse i can honestly tell you yes that is normal your body or shall i say hormones are over active which brings on your sticky situation so don't worry and a little advice pressure bust a pipe

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answers from Tulsa on

Get a second opinion.....could be something else causing the odor....



answers from Fayetteville on

Don't use those powders or sprays. They're toxic.

Maybe it's due to a change in your diet? Maybe start a log of what you're eating and think about what you might have added or changed recently.




answers from New Orleans on

I get BV infections from time to time. They are not the same as a yeast infection! Don't treat them the same way...yeast infections are not bacterial. The antibiotics work for BV but not for yeast. My doctor leaves a script on call for me in case it ever pops back up. Don't douche too much, it disrupts your natural balance. And always use something mild, vinegar and water, no floral stuff!



answers from Little Rock on

test your pH levels... if that is off balance that could be the culprit. I don't suggest douching or any sprays to cover up the scent because that could cause infection or you may be sensitive to it. Another thing to look at is the foods you eat. Believe it or not that effects your body odor too.

I actually have pH test kits if you would like me to mail you a few strips.




answers from Biloxi on

My only suggestion for the odor would be to trim your pubic hair if you already dont! What happens is that body odor from sweat and whatever else gets trapped in your pubic hair and starts to smell.....I shave mine Ive also tried waxing it hurts a bit more but is much smoother with less keep up! I had the same problem when i had hair down there i always felt like i had some kind of infection because i always smelt an odor, once i started shaving unless i actually do have an infection i dont have odor and even when i do not nearly as pungent! Good luck hun! I hope i helped!



answers from Houma on

I've read the other responses and the one thing that was left out is obvious. If you have recently moved from city to country the difference could very well bein the water supply. The change in the water could be upsetting your personal natural balance. A difference in soap can cause issues too.



answers from Baton Rouge on

I'm not sure if you currently do this, but try using a douche a few days after your period has ended. This should help flush out any "extra blood" that was left behind from your period, and should help with the odor. Also, I've heard that GYN's have a spray that they can use down there if there's an odor. Maybe you can ask the nurse if there is such a thing & where to get it.



answers from Baton Rouge on

Eat lots of yogurt...thats help me in the past..



answers from Lafayette on

It could be your soap. I find that if I use a deodorant soap that it causes an odor. If I use dove I am fine. I also had trouble with soaps like caress. Try changing to Basis soap and if that solves your problem you can try different soaps to find one that you like and it likes you.



answers from Texarkana on

Hey, if the doc has tested and there is no yeast or infection, the odor may be related to ur diet or supplements u take. I know if I take the fish oil, u guessed it, I smell like tuna in a few hours! So I try to take a deodorized garlic w/ it, or eat strawberries about that time. Look to ur diet or nutrients and try the parsley or strawberries ! Josie

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