I Work from Home - but I WORK!

Updated on June 25, 2011
M.D. asks from Washington, DC
13 answers

Why is it that people always think work from home jobs don't mean actual work? I work for a huge company and normally support a local client, so I go into the office daily. Right now I'm on an internal project, so I can work from the local office (where literally 5 other people work) or from home. I normally work from home for the background noise and the ability to take 5 minute breaks to sweep the floor or something. But it seems like my husband, kids, mom, siblings, neighbors, etc all think that because I am at home that I don't work. I keep teling my husband I'll have time to be a SAHM when I'm not bringing in a paycheck. I don't mean that in a bad way at all...but I can't do everyhing a SAHM does (which as we all know is a full-time job), plus work 40 hours a week, and I am going to school for my MBA. How do I impress upon my fmaily and friends that I am WORKING?

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Great points ladies. I still get up and get ready for work daily. So even when I am sitting at home, I'm dressed for the office. It just makes me feel more lilke i'm working. And the kids go to daycare, so that helps. But it just rubs me the wrong way for sure!!

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answers from Dallas on

I had this same problem when I worked at home, and it never stopped, which is why I chose to work in the office and I love it! People will always assume that. Unless they have done it, they don't understand that when you work at home you still have just as much to do as in an office!

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answers from Provo on

I am laughing, only because I know exactly how you feel... I work full time from home and I have 3 young children. Working from home is both wonderful and horrible at the same time. I feel so blessed to not have to pay for day care and worry about babysitting. I love that I can work the hours I want to, as long as I get my 40 hours in each week. I do love that I can throw a load of laundry in real quick if needed. At the same time, I feel intense pressure because I can SEE the mess and all the things that need to be done around the house. My friends and family call while I am working and the kids are always needing something. I have been getting up at 5 am to get part of my shift done before anyone wakes up, and that helps. My husband is home when I do the second half of my shift and that helps, too, although the kids still come bug me first even if he is right there!
I had a horrible dream last night that I was trying to work and was really behind on emails and calls. My boss was sitting next to me and was evaluating me. I also had piles of stuff on my desk that needed to be sorted- baby clothes, bills, etc. People kept coming and interrupting me every few seconds and I kept getting up to tackle cleaning projects only to just move the piles around, then I would get back to my desk and try to answer an email and get nowhere on it. In the end I ended up flipping out and hurting someone. Obviously in real life I wouldn't go so far as whacking some lady on the face with a decorative bowl, but I know exactly why I had this dream, because I have been so stressed balancing work and home! BTW my mom worked from home for 10 years and finally got a job outside the home last year, and she is soooo much happier. I just wanted to throw that out there because I realize there are perks and that some things are easier for us work-at-home moms, but I think it can also be much harder in other ways and that needs to be recognized. Good luck to you!

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answers from Washington DC on

I know exactly what you mean....

I worked from home (still do when i get a contract) and my husband would just "ASSUME" that I would be free to run errands, clean the house, do the laundry - etc....I told him I AM WORKING!!!!

he got sick for a couple of days and was here and saw what I did...just like after our first son was born and he came home to a messy house one day - his comment "all SAHMs do is watch TV and eat bon-bons all day..." I could've killed him...then he got laid off and was here for 6 weeks watching me do the laundry, cleaning, errands, play dates, etc. and now he bows! :)

any way - I've had a few friends assume that since I was home I could go shopping, etc. I told them I can go at lunch time...but I have to get back...and like you - I dress for work...not sweat pants and PJs...nor do I wear skirts and dresses but I do "DRESS" like I'm going out...helps with the mentality! :)



answers from St. Louis on

Due to the nature of my career, I have had the opportunity to work from home. No thanks! I would prefer the office! (Ok, maybe not every day =)

I think I may understand what the other family members are saying.

When you work from home you don't have to:
- decide what suit to wear every day
- make sure you get out the door without spit up or a handprint on your skirt
- fight morning traffic
- find a parking spot
- get to work on time
- deal with coworkers
- the list goes on....

You CAN get up at any time from your computer and go to your own bathroom, get a snack out of your OWN kitchen, throw a load of laundry in, etc.

You still work, have deadlines, etc. It is simply more laid back. Yes, I have worked with a baby on my lap as I typed and a sick 6 year old laying next to me - not fun, and not so laid back.

Thank goodness my family doesn't think me working from home is any less than being at the office. But, my husband knows what is expected of me at my job and knows how demanding it is, home or office. Does your family know what you do? Maybe explaining it would help.

GOOD LUCK! And stop doing so many chores during the day if it stresses you out. Your family has to understand!


answers from Richmond on

I've worked from home for... 4 years? Something like that. People still don't get it. I've given up and I ignore the remarks, because they're apparently not going away anytime soon. It's not worth getting yourself upset about the comments or wasting the energy trying to get them to stop. Just ask everyone how clean THEIR house is while they're working 40+ hours a week... hell, at least THEY get to get out of the house, shower, and dress nice on a daily basis!!


answers from Norfolk on

Working from home is certainly work.
I have Daily Service Reviews to host calls for and Minutes to distribute.
I have reports I must produce and post on a schedule.
I have conference calls.
I have tons of emails to wade through.
I have input from people around the world I must collect and when some of them get it wrong or send in incomplete information, I must diplomatically ask for more information/corrections while keeping in mind various cultural communication differences so no one gets upset or feels disrespected.
There are days when I sit down at the computer and don't get up till 8 hours later - and then have to finish up more work after dinner.
Don't fall into the trap of making it look too easy.
Try talking about your work a bit - describing some of what you do.
When I tell people I'm training/breaking in a new manager in Ireland/Germany/India they don't question it's a time consuming process.
When friends ask how work is going, I tell them we're having a devil of a time keeping current with software patches/upgrades.
Don't go into too much detail - but give them enough info where they get an idea what your day is like.
When my Mom calls me and I've got a meeting in 10 minutes - I tell her up front of my time limit and I'll call her back later - and she understands.


answers from Dallas on

I understand completely!! I too work from home but every now and then my husband will ask me if I got any laundry done or anything else??? Really?? I have my hands extra full because not only do I work full time on the computer for my company I care for our 22 month old son and for our 8 year old daughter when she isn't in school. So yep, I just want to scream when he asks me if I got anything else done.......crazy!! I tell him all the time, there is no way that he can do what I do nor could I do what he does. It's already hard enough to work fulltime while caring for kids that I am not able to add anything more to it. People just don't get it!



answers from Washington DC on

In the same boat. Hubby thinks that Just because I'm sitting at the computer I could've gotten the laundry, dishes, and cleaned up the living room... I was just sittting there, and I had been in the kitchen to make lunch...

My response was 'Well on Saturday you were home all day and didn't get those things done...' , H:'I was mowing the lawn!'.

'Okay, but you came into the kitchen for a drink, ya could've done the dishes then...', H:' I was dirty from mowing the lawn!'

I actually stopped working from home for about 2 months because of it. If I'm not in the house he doesn't expect those things to be done...



answers from Detroit on

Thank goodness my family doesn't think that but if they did then I would show them just how hard I do work. I would STOP DOING anything at home and maybe spend a few more hours at work then they will see just how much you do at home. Turn the tables on them. If someone calls you to do something for them then just say NO I am busy working! Sooner or later they might get the hint. Sorry they are being jerks about it. I honestly don't know how you are doing all that you do.



answers from Dallas on

I totally hear you! The only difference for me is I don't have the commute. My phone still rings off the hook and my emails are the same quantity. It drives me crazy when someone in my family drops by and lays on the doorbell because they know I'm home but don't take into consideration that I may be on the phone.


answers from Lansing on

My sister had the option of working from home or in the office, she chose the office I think for this reason among others. (She also likes working around other people)

Hope you get some advice, because I don't have any....just sympathizing.



answers from New York on

I have worked from home for over nine years. I also work from a large company and have a REAL job. One of the best ways to make sure that your family understands is to have a place that is only your work space, if you can. That way they know that when you are there, you are working and you cannot be disturbed. If you don't have such a place, maybe you can come up with another signal to let them know you are working and cannot be disturbed. It is difficult, but I have found that people will get it if you stick to your guns - just keep telling yourself and them that you have a FT job and you have to work. They will eventually catch on.


answers from Dallas on

People don't understand "working" at home. My husband and i run our company from home and we are often home working all hours of the night/day.

I get the same thing from people on the booster club, etc who assume since i work at home I am available to drop everything and take on a project.

GEES... I hardly have time to clean my house. Hubby and daughter are not an issue because hubby works at home as well. My issue is the neighbors, boosters, etc who assume I can drop everything.

I have my office set up and that is where I stay.

I get what you are saying... A lot of moms on here request work from home jobs but I dont thing they have a clue that if you bring in $$... you must WORK in an environment with no screaming babies and barking dogs... the $$ doen't just float in the door. you actually work.

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